Powderminer those are really interesting stats. I am not a fan of Romney at all but he would be 100 times better for American business(big and small) than Obama. In 2008 all I could think of was that out of a country of 300 million people this is the best we can do? Obama seems to have sold his supporters on the idea that they are going to get more back from the government than they put in. The government will never give someone a good life. I have never looked at someone on welfare and thought that looks like a good deal. You don't have to work but you live in poverty. In the past if you didn't work you starved. Being cold and hungry is a great incentive to get off your butt. We need to let people fail again. Unemployment insurance has turned into the new no shame welfare. Now that it's running out for good the 99 weekers are being put on Social Security Disability. That NEVER runs out.