Stop being stupid sheeple
How many websites do you want me to throw up here??? There are hundreds of them. Show me where a website says it is best to beat the flu with a vaccine then with the following???
Boosting Immunity
Get plenty of sleep. Potent immune enhancing compounds are released during sleep and many immune system functions are greatly increased by an adequate night’s rest. Studies have demonstrated that people who are consistently deprived of sleep have impaired immune function. If you require an alarm clock or some other external stimulus to wake, you’re not getting an adequate night’s rest. During the winter months your body requires more sleep, so it’s perfectly normal to sleep longer on winter nights.
Drink more water; avoid soft drinks. Many people are chronically dehydrated and this impairs the immune system. Soft drinks and caffeinated beverages do not count toward “drinking more water” and, in fact, subtract from it (as they generally act as diuretics). Consider using Emer’gen-C or Ola Loa (in moderation) in lieu of soft drinks (see section on vitamin C below).
Selenium. Selenium is a nutrient which plays an important role in the immune system. One way selenium performs this function is by “recharging” vitamins C and E, and coenzyme Q-10. Vegetables grown in selenium rich soils are a good source, but vegetables raised in selenium deficient soils are not. (Most of China has selenium deficient soils, which may explain why so much influenza originates in China.) Brazil nuts have the most selenium of any food, but pre-cracked nuts usually have dramatically lower amounts than those in the shells (because of the soils in which they are raised). Brewer’s yeast, eggs, turkey, mushrooms, tuna and other seafood are often good sources, but the amount can vary dramatically, depending on various factors. If you buy selenium supplements, look for the organic amino acid form “selenomethionine” (L-selenomethionine is the naturally occurring form) as this is more bioavailable than the inorganic form “selenite.” 200 mcg/daily is recommended by some authorities.
Probiotic. A probiotic will fortify your intestinal flora, which are essential for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. This is key to good health and a strong immune system. Studies have shown that patients who begin a course of probiotics with fiber a few days prior to surgery are less likely to pick up a post-operative infection during their hospital stays. This demonstrates a strong connection between intestinal flora and immune function. The fiber – which provides the friendly bacteria both food and sanctuary – can be as simple as an apple or banana. Primal Defense is a fine probiotic product. Other ways of fortifying your intestinal flora include eating unpasteurized* fermented or cultured foods, such as yogurt (without added sugars), sauerkraut, miso, (real) cheese, natto, apple cider, apple cider vinegar, etc. Unfortunately our society is enamored with pasteurization, so finding beneficial unpasteurized live foods can be difficult. For this reason, a probiotic regime is recommended for optimal health.
* Pasteurization is not necessary if proper sanitation procedures are employed in food handling and processing. Too often pasteurization is used to cover up poor sanitation practices. Pasteurization always results in a nutritionally inferior food product. Avoid it whenever you can.
Drink chlorine-free water. Healthy intestinal flora is key to good digestion and nutrient absorption. Chlorinated water kills beneficial intestinal flora. Don’t drink it. Use a filter, if necessary, to remove chlorine (and its byproducts) from your drinking water.
Elderberry extract. Elderberry, a relative of the blueberry, has been found to have powerful anti-viral properties. Elderberry extract may be used to treat a cold or flu, or taken as a prophylactic to fortify the immune system. Sambucol is a popular brand, however it is mostly glucose syrup. My feeling is that the Apitherapy Honey Organic Elderberry Extract with Propolis product by Honey Gardens is superior. It contains raw honey and propolis (both of which are immune boosting) without added sugar.
Red Wine. It has been found that those who drink a glass of red wine daily are about 20% less likely to contract the flu. It is believed that this may be related to the vitamins and antioxidants, like resveratrol, present in red wine (but largely absent in white or blush wines). Although alcohol tends to depress the immune system, drinking a glass or two of red wine when sick with a cold or flu is probably not detrimental and may prove beneficial. Other studies have shown a daily glass of red wine is beneficial to the heart, and lowers the odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other types of age-related dementia (probably due to the resveratrol). Excessive alcohol use, however, is definitely detrimental to health.
Eat raw, freshly-crushed garlic. Garlic has powerful anti-viral, antibiotic and anti-fungal properties and boosts the immune system in general. It also tends to kill parasites in the intestines.
Deodorized garlic tablets are ineffective in this regard because it is the “smelly” compounds in garlic which give garlic its anti-viral and anti-bacterial effect. Also, it is likely that no single compound in garlic confers all its therapeutic effects. It is likely to be a synergy of compounds. Any refinement, such as deodorizing, is likely to remove beneficial compounds. One example of the synergy of compounds contained in garlic are alliin and an enzyme called allinase. In whole garlic, these two constituents are segregated, but when a garlic clove is “damaged” (e.g. crushed) the two mix together to quickly produce allicin: A pungent, potent antibacterial sulphur compound which is not present in whole garlic! Heat destroys allicin, and so does age (it is most potent when consumed within the first hour). One final note: “Allicin potential” of deodorized garlic supplements is a marketing gimmick to convince you the product has value as an anti-viral; it does not. Don’t be fooled and don’t waste your money on this sham.
Exercise. Regular exercise is important to support general health and immune function. It stimulates beneficial biochemical processes, promotes healthy circulation of the blood, and drives the lymphatic system. Lymph flow, essential in removing toxins from the body, is absolutely dependent on physical movement because the lymphatic system lacks a pump (like the heart). Therapeutic massage can also be helpful in facilitating lymph movement.
Note: Extreme exercise can actually weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to infection. Quercetin can help mitigate this effect.
Echinacea has a reputation as an immune system booster, and research seems to validate this. If nothing else, it makes a delicious tea.
Vitamin C. See discussion in section below.
Vitamin D. See discussion in section below.
Quercetin, in addition to its powerful antioxidant characteristics, has been found to have immune boosting capabilities, particularly when under stress, and especially when taken with Vitamin C. It is also an anti-viral. Quercetin is a phytochemical found in the skins of apples (red apples have the most, although any variety is a good source), and in sun-exposed† red or dark grapes, red wine (especially when made from made from sun-exposed grapes), sun-dried raisins, red or yellow onions, broccoli, berries (particularly blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, bilberries, and Eurasian black currants), citrus fruits, cherries, pears, green tea, grapefruit seeds, ginkgo biloba, buckwheat, hawthorn, Chinese scullcap, and black tea. Smaller amounts are found in leafy green vegetables and beans. Bromelain and papain are reported to increase absorption of quercetin.
† Quercetin accumulates in grape skins to protect against damage from ultra violet light. There are high concentrations of quercetin in sun exposed grape skins and in red wines made from sun exposed grapes.
Notes: Quercetin may help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In some wines, particularly Sangiovese, quercetin may settle as a precipitate at the bottom of the bottle. Avoid taking the drug cisplatin along with quercetin as there is theoretical risk of genotoxicity in normal tissues.
Avoid Cortisone. It depresses the immune system; that is how it works. Cortisone stops pain, inflammation, itching, swelling, etc. by blocking and suppressing the normal response of your immune system. It doesn’t matter if you use it topically, orally, or by injection.
Note: For acute inflammation, turmeric can be as effective as either cortisone or the drug phenylbutazone (both of which are associated with toxicity to humans).
Avoid sugary foods. Sugar can decrease the activity of the immune system for up to five hours. If you have a sweet tooth, discover stevia or xylitol. Stevia is economical, but somewhat tricky to use in cooking. Xylitol can actually stimulate the immune system.
Stevia is a natural herb which is between 100-300 times sweeter than sugar. Unlike aspartame (NutraSweet) or sucralose (Splenda), stevia is actually safe and even has many beneficial properties. Aside from containing no calories, it can actually help stabilize blood-sugar levels (thus it is both safe and beneficial to diabetics), can help fight gum disease, and has many other benefits too numerous to mention here. Stevia is temperature stable, so unlike most artificial sugar substitutes, it can be used in baking. Ironically, the US’s FDA has banned stevia as “an unsafe food additive” while sanctioning its use as a “food supplement.” So according to the FDA, it’s “unsafe” in small amounts (as a sweetener), but safe in larger doses (as a supplement). Most observers feel this is a wholly political move to protect both the sugar and artificial sweetener industries. Unfortunately, this means you won’t find commercially prepared foods containing stevia in the United States, although you will find them in many other countries throughout the world. You might find stevia in some teas in the US, however, if it’s included for “medicinal purposes.” For more information on this remarkable herb, visit:
Xylitol, technically a sugar-alcohol, is neither a sugar nor alcohol in the conventional sense. It too is a safe “sugar substitute” (use 1:1), but is low on the glycemic index (7) so it can be safely used by diabetics. It is actually good for your teeth (it will help harden tooth enamel and discourages bacteria which can harm your teeth) and can help boost your immune system. Even more interesting is the fact it can be used in a nasal spray wash which can be used to fight colds and flu (see below). It occurs naturally in many fruits & vegetables and is even produced by the human body. Commercial sources are usually birch trees and corn cobs. It tends to be rather pricey when used as a sugar substitute. It cannot be used in yeast breads as the xylitol inhibits yeast growth, nor in hard candies because it won’t crystalize like sugar. Other than that, it is a complete sugar substitute with half the calories. [Note: In large quantities, it can lead to loose bowels; the effect diminishes with regular use.]
Honey. Although honey contains various sugars, it is also packed with vitamins and nutrients which can enhance the immune system. Raw honey is best. Avoid pasteurized honey. Pasteurization is unnecessary as honey does not spoil (even after 5000 years in an Egyptian pyramid), and the heat destroys some of the nutrients. Raw honey is also useful as a dressing for burns (as it prevents infection and promotes healing).
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and an immune stimulant. Taken internally, it may tend to thin the blood. When applied topically to a bleeding wound, it will help to clot the wound, prevent infection, and promote healing.
Warning about flu vaccination: Five successive flu vaccinations increases your risk of contracting Alzheimer’s disease by a factor of 10, likely due to the mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum in the vaccine. Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease, and one of the worst possible ways to die. Only 0.01% of the US population (1 in 10,000) will die from complications related to the flu each year. And 90% of those deaths will be senior citizens (a group with an already high mortality rate). You are more likely to die in an automobile accident in your life (1%), than from the flu. Given the dubious effectiveness of the flu vaccine from year to year, and the treatable nature of the flu, is this a sensible trade-off?
Vaccinations are neither risk-free nor as safe as the public generally believes. Virtually all vaccines contain toxic preservatives, carcinogens, and other harmful non-vaccine compounds, such as mercury (considered a toxin at any level), aluminum, formalin (formaldehyde), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (carbolic acid), etc. After all, the viruses must be killed (or weakened), and the serum preserved while in storage. Long-term effects and accumulative toxicity must be part of any rational consideration of vaccines, especially for a vaccine which is administered yearly.