If you end up parting it out I may be interested in the track. Is the motor piped?
The track has seen better days. You probably wouldn't want it.
Yes the motor has a SLP single.
Who did the work? Sounds like cases are junk and need some attention. Probably clutch too.
If you don't want to keep the sled any more then sell it as is and don't put any more money in it.
If you want to keep the sled, then for $2800 bring it to me and I'll do all the work on it including one of IndyDan's warrantied bottom ends.
Actually, I'd charge less than that normally, but if you are already willing to pay the $2800 I'll take that.
It cost $2,800 because when the crank broke the first time it took out the case the heads damaged one cylinder. I also paid to try to prevent it from braking again by having them put on torque plate and torque stops, dbl wide bearing, trued and welded and the primary sent in the rebalanced and rebuild. IT OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T WORK. I think this time the end just broke. I can turn the primary by hand with no resistance at all.
I probably shouldn't say who did the work. Its a well known shop in Ogden and I don't know if it was his fault it broke again.
If I had the money for a water craft tripple I would do it.
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