cant comment on your described problem but know one well personnelly.each engine lost was bottom end , top end perfect .last motor they gave out is an 08 they stated . difference being the larger clearanced bearings i was told , but no thermostae provided as the 08's have one .humm.
this is number 4 and the previous.
first one had 300km's ,
second one 1600kms and
third had 2400 kms .
new one 400kms and definetly a peppier motor right from the beginning.
same dealer and the service was excellent .
he knew what it was and refered it to cold seizing the bottom end just a small amount on and off untill it got to far .then things seemed to stop.
only in certian conditions ,aparantly we had enough of that .
figured that is possably why it is here and there .
would have been a lot upset but the new motor is pulling hard enough to make me notice .fingers crossed .
ran the oil they asked the sled to use .now they have asked me to run semi synthetic insted of the mineral oil .
any one got some reasoning on that ?