Hello. I have a 2011 pro rmk 155", oem 39" frontend and a Talon m66 track. Clutch-kit. No other mods.
The trouble i have is that i can´t get the damn thing to steer while on edge in deep/pow conditions. It just goes in a straight line like an arrow no matter how much i lean in and countersteer. So the only option is to slow down and steer "normal".
I know how to steer in the loose snow. I´ve ridden multiple Polaris sleds, old & new, short & long. And i have had no issues doing 360s on them in the snow. It´s just this one sled something is wrong with, and i can´t figure it out.
As stated earlier everything is pretty much stock. IFS shocks are set to standard preload. Center shock is cranked up a bit and the rear shock is standard preload. No difference even with standard preload on the center.
The track runs straight and the sled is not warped in any way. It has quite some miles on it, maybe the IFS shocks are due for a renovation? The center and rear are newly renovated.
Toe out is set 'correct' by the straight edge method. Camber looks okay by eye.
Does anyone have a guess or idea whats wrong with this sled? Much appreciated.
The trouble i have is that i can´t get the damn thing to steer while on edge in deep/pow conditions. It just goes in a straight line like an arrow no matter how much i lean in and countersteer. So the only option is to slow down and steer "normal".
I know how to steer in the loose snow. I´ve ridden multiple Polaris sleds, old & new, short & long. And i have had no issues doing 360s on them in the snow. It´s just this one sled something is wrong with, and i can´t figure it out.
As stated earlier everything is pretty much stock. IFS shocks are set to standard preload. Center shock is cranked up a bit and the rear shock is standard preload. No difference even with standard preload on the center.
The track runs straight and the sled is not warped in any way. It has quite some miles on it, maybe the IFS shocks are due for a renovation? The center and rear are newly renovated.
Toe out is set 'correct' by the straight edge method. Camber looks okay by eye.
Does anyone have a guess or idea whats wrong with this sled? Much appreciated.