Unfortunately you can go after every organization in the world to be on your side but it will be of no help if you ignore the one and only action that can save our freedoms and that is changing th house of representatives. The one group we can have the most influence on is the house. They have to run for reelection every 2 years and they represent the smallest area and number of constituants and can be pressured more than any other federal elective official. The problem this will take alot of work and at least as much work as the leftist and greeny whackos put forth, unfortunately unlike those taxpayer funded groups we have to work for a living but we must regain the balance of power or we will fail. In the 70's the JBS formed a project called TRIM, Tax Reform Imediatelly, their object was to have a group in every congressional district and publish the voting record of every congressman and distribute the record in the congressmans district. We actually managed to get a conservative republican elected in the most democratic district in Washington, named Cunningham, the district now held by a socialist for many years because Jack Anderson and the media made it their job to make sure he never got elected again. Much of the conservative wins with Reagan in 1980 were helped by this program and in the 90's we managed to get a Ron Paul Mentored Republican elected in the 2nd district, which never elected a republican before or since. Jack Metcalf put his own term limit on as he believed in the citizen legislature and we were than stuck with Rick Larson.
I know that program worked but unfortunately it takes dedication and work and as occurred after Reagan was elected most people figured they had won and went to sleep until 1994 when the Republicans again took control of the House. The problem then was we fell asleep again and did not hold them to their pledges after a few years. Except for true patriots congressmen tend to morph into politicians quickly after arriving in DC. I do know that if you control the house of representatives you will control the country, but you cannot rest your effort once you think you have got your man in office and this requires constant appraisal and work and communicating with the congressman with your desires. Again "CONTROL THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND YOU CONTROL THE COUNTRY".MY Rant Swampy