All I know is I had $25.30 in material for the graphics for Whitey and I charged him over $300 for it. Nobody complains about me making money. (to my face anyway - but thats cause I'm such a big guy
I'd love to find a home builder to build me a home for the cost of material only. Its really ok, I'll go on record and say I have no prob with anybody making money. There will still be people to complain that Rooster Built charges too much and others that say I don't charge enough for the value they received. Its all relative - You determine the value for yourself and buy accordingly and happy shopping. Just beware, if everybody has a problem with dealers (and any business owner for that matter) making money, that business will not be able to survive and that could suck bad for our sport to lose dealers like Felkers. Buy a sled from Felkers and I'm pretty sure it comes with the set-up. Or buy a used Felker sled so the original owner can buy a new one with the new set-up because they will likely be repeat customers after riding one and dealing with them - that reminds me = For Sale, 2003 Rev, Stock motor, Stock pipe, Felker set-up, Braap Wraps wrap, 100mph plus with 2 1/2" paddles riding double with the wife on the back. And yes it still goes up hills. Make an offer... opening bid is $650