FBF, I was wondering if my cable had shipped already or if it was coming out of this next batch? If out of the next batch any way that I could upgrade for faster shipping? We got a lot of snow the last couple of days!!!! PM me and let me know
It seems like shipping is taking a lot longer that usual in the last few months and it has become real hard to get an accurate time line on the shipments.
Blame it on the extra security for the Olympics maybe???
Soapy, your cable is in the batch I am waiting for and will be shipped as soon as it gets here. Sorry for the delay.
I have been getting about 5.6 mph my exhaust valves are soakin with oil.Only 1000 miles how can i tell if they are shot or goona be shot any info would be helpful.
Hmmm. I think this is my issue. Running rich, bogging down, fouling plugs. Need to start pulling stuff. Whats the approximate time req'd to complete the swap out?
I should be alright with the info on the instructions page. Seeing if any other instructions were floating around - nice to have a few different descriptions / photos of various steps.