sometimes you just gotta vent
makes you wish the factory would just put good vents on from the start.
but.....looks like to be DOT or EPA or OK.GOV approved quiet as a mouse.........about to catch fire, it has the good old foam sound insulation which will melt or be ripped out as it drips onto your y pipe, then you have to let the hot air out yourself. Now you get to buy vents of you very own. the dealers and or cat should at lease sell us the critical parts for cost........$700 in CANADA ?
Comforting to know what to expect and expect that some things never change.
Lets see: vents
clutch weights
clutch spring
float guards
gearing ? they been wrong 61% of the time
Skis ? haven't been right yet, SLP still making a killing
Spare belt
Tunnel bag
Ice Scratchers ?
shock valving
5 fall test rides, its christmas and there's hardly any snow
Sounds good.........getting out my $500, going to cut to only 2 therapy sessions a week.