If thats not too much to ask. Maybe a staging area for parking lot poses too. lol.
The springs for the home made scratchers are the ones found on a Craftsman tine de-thatcher (42" er at my place). You could probably find something similar at the farm n ranch store or they do have a part number online at Craftsman. A couple bucks each if I remember right. I bend a fender washer for the top with 3 bends to shape it like a triangle and put a compression spring over the 5/16" bolt under the washer. Nyloc on the top determines how far down you set the tines. The more you screw the nut down the deeper the tines go in the snow. Pretty simple deal really. They do throw a lot of crap. I built them when I was 430#'s and riding an Apex. Couldn't get 10 feet from the trailer before that pig with my big butt on it was buildning heat and melting plastic. EW