Got my Chewy22 ice scratcher mod done. With some help from my neighbor (he ran the torch, while I twisted the scratchers) we heated the area up about 1" from the bend about 2.5" long. My thought was by heating a 2.5" area, the 90-degree twist would be spread over a larger area and put less stress on the metal. Then quenched the scratchers in oil.
Once they were cool, I re-heated the modified areas again at a lower temperature using a propane torch with MAP gas. Then stuck them in sand so they could cool slowly. Hopefully this will re-temper the steel and time will tell how well they hold up.
For collars, I ended up using stainless steel 1/4" drill stops that I got off of Amazon. You can buy a set of 4 for 8 bucks (figured it would be good to have a couple extra in the tool kit) The drill stops come with short stainless-steel Allen set screws and prior experience with SS set screws has shown me that they have a tendency to strip out. So I replaced then with longer 10-32 hardened steel set screws from the hardware store.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it came out and there is plenty of clearance between the modified scratchers and the tunnel when they are in the up position.
I'm curious to see how well they work and if they improve cooling in marginal snow conditions.