Do I swear in my life? Yes. Am I trying to do it less? Yes. When I take a few minutes and think about it, I can come up with all kinds of rational reasons why I should not use a swear-word. Then real life and emotion comes into play; perhaps a hammer and my thumb, or a little peer influence, and the four-letter words start-a-flyin'. I'm not proud of it, and I'm trying to do better. This decision has nothing to do with any sort of faith-based value system, it has more to do with trying to improve my communication skills.
I think Dee, Slick and BackCountry have all made good points. I like how this thread is progressing: there are good exchanges, without personal attacks. I realize this is my opinion, but that is what I like about any forum.
Personally, I agree with Slick, with regards to the 'overall atmosphere' this site has morphed into. But, that being said, I don't find that particularly offensive. While I don't share the beliefs of the LDS church, I will not put them (or any other faith sect) down in a public forum.
One thing that gets me, and I keep coming back to it, is that SOMEONE has to 'own' the site. More than just the right to the domain name, the actual hardware, wires, and other computer stuff. Maybe they own a building, but at the very least, they are responsible for the rent on the location. They pay the bills. Either way, there is one person, (or group of people) that are financially responsible. And, it's their ball, they get to make the rules. (see: real world 'golden rule' v 2.0: He who has the gold makes the rules) And, all it takes is someone who knows how to implement the software tools that censor certain letter combination. While it could be Christopher making that decision (as opposed to just running the program), it doesn't have to be. I don't have those skills, but I can assure you, that if I had decision making powers over a forum like this, I would do my best to eliminate certain words from members' posts. The reason for this is simple, and it's a business one: You don't scare off folks that swear with clean language, but you DO scare off folks that find it particularly objectionable. And, that folks, is basic marketing: Appeal to the largest possible demographic. And, by doing so, that's not saying 'I support swearing', or 'I am against swearing', it's a business choice.
On a slightly different note: I noticed the "BCR" in a post a few posts up, and it's the first time I've seen those letters allowed in that order for a LONG time. I think that's great. If this place is so great, it should have nothing to fear from people referencing other sites.
So, I guess to sum it up, I'm not against ownership 'censoring' out profanity or 'swear-words', but I do think its foolish to censor out other letter combinations; like other forum names or links, to me, that shows massive insecurity.
Now, after all that being said, someone sent me a Private message, telling me that they have read posts on other sites by folks trying to sabotage SW. Personally, I have not read those posts, but I trust the person that told me. I think that is poor behavior, and it's just plain wrong to do. If you want to go that far, buy out the ownership group, and make your own rules. (and I'll support and defend your prerogative to do so) Just because I support their prerogative to run this place any way they want, does not mean I won't continue to try to respectfully write and post my detailed objections. But, because they pay the bills, the have the right to any attitude they wish - even if they ruin the site.
With regards to 'red rep', I applaud AKsnowrider for the thought he put into that. He recognizes the ramifications that might cause. That's likely a big part of the reason he has that much rep power. Now, that being said, if after careful consideration, one feels it's warranted, well, that is why that feature is in place, and why a members opinion is weighted.