YOU can think what YOU want, and do what YOU want. If I look for ONLY things to support my point of view, I could find them too. I however, did a search for factual issues of drinking while pregnant.
YOU can say alcohol is good for a person all you want...doesn't make it so. It is beneficial to some (not pregnant).....but not others. I didn't spend 10 years on our local ambulance and not learn anything about this concerning everyone that drinking could affect (besides all of my other training).
Winter Brew is 100% correct....who is going to do a "study" with the potential to be sued because their kid is now messed up because of the Mom drinking?!!
You can argue with yourself now....I KNOW my facts, I've seen results....and I'm done in here.
This is as bad as an addict trying to justify why he/she does drugs.
And your experiences are from people that ABUSE drugs and Alcohol. Big difference an abuser and occasional drink.
I've worked in a half way house, I had my emt for 8 years, I've worked in a hospital, I've seen much of what you have spoken about. Context, you cannot believe that all people are that way.
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