My only thought on this would be why would you even want to? You know it cant be good for the fetus, and even if you got lucky and didnt hurt the fetus ..the chances that the child may have other issues stemming from the alcohol intake down the road alone are enough to stop any sane person from doing it...In my opinion..if you cant go 10 months without alcohol while have no business having or raising kids...period..go get an abortion and leave the children to those who do wish to give a child every oportunity in life to be successful..I couldnt imagine dringing during pregenency and giving birth to a child with some kind of alcohol related issue and then having to watch the child grow up in this world with it...knowing that it is a direct result of my own stupidity....grow up/man up and either do what is best for the fetus/child...or dont have any to begin with...its that simple....