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I am so tired of hearing everyone's terrible luck with the dragon 800 motors. I unfortunately am a victim of Polaris's absolute fail of a product along with MANY other people. They know they have a problem, it has been well documented, and they even tried to release an "update" that has done nothing but give everyone a false sense of security and reset the ticking time bomb. Talking with multiple dealers the past few weeks, they have been seeing all the "updated" dragons from last year filling the shops with more blown up top ends. Polaris is screwing all their loyal, hard working customers and everyone is just taking it. Not anymore.

It is time we take a stand. How many people have been screwed? Why is there no case yet? Are they going to get away with it like they did with the 900 RMKs? As I understand, a Class Action Lawsuit would be a perfect fit for this lemon of a sled. Is there anyone reading this thread that is familiar with a class action lawsuit, been involved in one, or is interested in getting something started? Are YOU gonna let a company do this to you??

Lets get this going!
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tree climber

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 2, 2007
sioux falls sd
the only winners in a class action suit are the lawyers. its a good way to ensure that they will offer NO fixes. same thing happened with maytag washers they were trying to resolve problems with washers as needed then a class action suit was filed then nobody got anything except lawyers and the people with the washers couldnt get the parts anymore that maytag had been offereing for free to fix the problem before the suit. in my opionion that is exactly what will happen here. they will just say pound sand we tried now you cost us a bunch of money your on your own


Mar 1, 2008
i got my check from the class action lawsuit i was involved couple weeks ago.
it only took couple years to get. kinda forgot about it.
just dont know what to do with all the money.
check amount- $12.33. what a bunch of BS
fyi-it was not sled related.

iq high marker

Active member
Dec 28, 2010
southern Minnesota
going another route

I have been a loyal customer to polaris for over 15 years for the reason that they make a great product, but I have to agree that they should take responsibilty for the motor problems, it's been going on for way to long now, if your into power your only choice is the 700 or 800 and they both have problems obviously the 800 by far are way worse so now after this year if I see no significant difference and the same problem still exists I'm turning to the dark side and going with cat, and I bet there are many other people that are going the same direction as me.:face-icon-small-coo I just hope they release the hcr to the public instead only through the race program what a bunch of crap.


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Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
This would be a good thing if the attorneys did not take 75% off the money.

Beat me to it, I was about to ask the original poster if he was an attorney.

Lets start a class action so that I can get a $150 check from Polaris and a $1000 credit if I buy a new sled and the lawyers can take home a nice settlement of $18,000,000.


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Lifetime Membership
Apr 11, 2009

Beat me to it, I was about to ask the original poster if he was an attorney.

Lets start a class action so that I can get a $150 check from Polaris and a $1000 credit if I buy a new sled and the lawyers can take home a nice settlement of $18,000,000.

Ain't that the truth!

Each and every last one of 'em should be shot at Sundown.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
If there is a class action law suit Polaris will no longer hand out VR's & ECU's free of charge anymore, and then everyone will get less then the covered repairs would of been.


Nov 27, 2010
Bozeman, MT
i just bought an 09' and have yet to see handouts from polaris. it had 1600 miles on it when i took it over and i'm only two rides into it and i'm paying out of pocket for a chipped NiCaSil cylinder and some nasty pistons, stock sled. also from what i understand i'm probably one of the lucky ones. who's getting handouts? if were not, then whats the problem with making them fix/replace these rotten eggs?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
bout the only way to hurt polaris is to get people not to buy them but its so hard with an awsome chassis, you would think after the 8s&9s that people wouldnt i know if i ever bought one iam buying just for the chassis


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Rapid City
Not trying to argue anything with any of you, but I want you all to think about this situation.

OK, so all lawyers aside. Let me ask the question. What are people supposed to do when Polaris doesn't fix a sled in 4 years? :noidea:Warranty is done. And the consumer is left holding a $10,000 machine that doesn't work. It needs to be understood that this is the honest situation people are in. This isn't a $1 lottery ticket that didn't produce. This is a $10,000 machine.

No matter how you look at it. Lawyer or no lawyer. You, me and the rest of the consumers are the ones getting burned. Polaris produces a product that for the most part doesn't work correctly. The consumer is stuck with a faulty product and is pretty much bent over. The sleds are now worthless on the market.

I stated it in the other thread. Polaris willingly put product out to market that didn't even meet their own specifications. And there is no way they didn't know it. They were simply cutting corners at the consumers expense.

I don't honestly know how these companies get away with this crap. Entire executive committees making millions of dollars, but not willing to stand behind their product. These companies are never held accountable.
And how could they be? They have the power.

It doesn't make sense. I (we) are the ones who spent the money on a product. The product was not built properly nor does it perform as advertised. We can't return said faulty product. Now, am I understanding this correctly? Because it sounds like some people (Polaris) feel as though it is my responsibility to fix said product myslef. :lalala: Because that is what myself and others have been forced to do.

Lawyers should never even have to get involved. :nono:It is the inaction of companies like Polaris that forces someone elses hand. The more people refuse to do the right thing on their own the more we give up control to government, laws and lawyers.

And what has Polaris honestly fixed on these sleds? I'm certainly not worried that I will miss out on some 2 for 1 deal on faulty voltage regulators. Oh, and I would sure hate to miss the opportunity to get my hands on some of those out of specification pistons. :pound:In four years all the updates they have done still fail. The amount of investment and additional manufacturing, testing, updating etc....They could have afforded to return the sleds from the customers that requested it. Instead they asked us to please remain quiet while we conjure up another reflash.

I don't think a lawsuit is the answer at all. The compensation is pointless. All we can really do is chalk it up to a very expensive lesson learned. Move on to the next brand or whatever. I wanted to give my sled back since I got it four years ago. Huge buyers remorse on this end. I would have been happier with a 600.

Umm, sorry about the long read.
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Jul 5, 2001
Riverton, Utah
Only way to make a difference...

The only way to make a difference is to vote with your wallet. I owned an 09 Dragon 800... loved riding it, but it didn't run like my 910 or even close so I decided to sell it. The guy that bought it was SO excited to get it, said he was the last of 5 guys to blow up their 900s and he had to have the Dragon, said he had ridden an 800 Edge RMK before that and other than the broken crank twice he was pretty happy with it.

Ok, so if you had lived through the 900 issues, broken 800 cranks, and then willingly bought a Dragon 800 that had just had a motor recall done on it... well, I don't know what to say.

And the Pro is/has sold like hot cakes. Yea, maybe it is fine, but at this point anyone who knows, or worse has lived, the 800 Edge, 900 IQ and 800 Dragon issues and gleefully buys a Pro before it has a couple of years on the motor has to be a sucker for punishment.

As long as people keep doing that in sufficient numbers then Polaris is not going to change their methods of operation. I remember in '07 when Scott Swenson, the sled division head, said they would never release a sled that didn't meet their quality standards and that's why they were cancelling the '07 900. Well apparently he either didn't mean that or their quality standards need updating.

I was going to buy a Pro next year... won't happen. Not until 2 seasons are on that thing am I even going to think about it.



Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
monte man i was saying that all last year and got nothing but greif, i sure bet the guys giveing me a hard time are sure loveing there sled now that there warranty is up it sucks for them
Nov 27, 2007
80-10 dragon

i have an 08 800 163 i am on my 8th engine including the updated fixes i got ahold of polaris because my warranty was running out and theu asked my a few questions (an operator of theirs did anyways) and they said that they would get back to me to discus it and i asked if that was for sure and was told yes for sure that was in november have not heard back from them at all?
so that is the kind of service they give to their long time supporters , i paid my hard earned money to get what i thought was the best machine out there,only to be handed a polaris experiment that didn't work or at least didn't work for long.

will i buy another Polaris ???????


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 29, 2007
Take it to 60 min. or national tv on all the recalls and how the problems are never fixed. Toyota fixed there problem after it was aired national,how about the ford pinto deal, firestone tires is another one as long as it stays on here they will not worry.Believe this or not there are sledders out there that do not know that SW exist .I have personal talked to other 800 owners that did not know that there was so many problems they thought they were the only ones.Take a good look at all those tree huggers and see how so little of them can get land closures. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. There is strength in numbers. Start the bend me over 800 club keep. Write letters to Polaris. better business ,consumer reports. Take you sleds do your dealer and show prespective customers what they can exspect from Polaris. Band together. Thats enough for me now I amm upset and I do'not even own a 800.
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