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Dosn't this piss other Canadians off? Strong possibility of a new government



Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
we are about to go from the strongest G8 economy to the weakest, Harpers leaked budget was on the right track.............Throwing a 1.5% bailout at the economy is not going to do a thing in markets this volatile. Massive government cutbacks and patience is the answer.

That bailout is the biggest farce I have heard in a while, most money from my understanding would be directed to automotive and manufacturing aid, which low and behold the heartlands of this are in Quebec and Ontario. Canada does not need a bailout, what good will that 20 billion do with the automotive and manufacturing if GM shuts down? or the US has a prolongs recession?, the ones that would be buying a good portion of those manufactured goods, nothing, it would be a big waste of money, we don't have banks crumbling, our housing crisis is nowhere near as bad, I just don't get it, why throw money at a non existant problem, we are in good shape to weather the storm, lets bite the bullet and get it over with panic is the worst thing you can do in times like these, I wish someone would tell that to the morons at the top with the liberal/ndp/bloc parties. At the very least we should wait for the US to make the first move, since we rely on them so heavily for imports and exports, lets play off their move and be smart about this.

PS, to the coward who gave me the neg rep, next time leave your name.
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Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
Western Canada and Eastern Canada cannot be governed by one body anymore. It is to big of a country with 2 seperate economies. When the west is doing well the east is struggling and vice versa. And anyone who lives in the west knows that eastern Canada comes first when its time to decide budgets and interest rates. I don't want to split the country but there has to be 2 seperate governing bodies or western canada will continue to be Ontario's slave.
Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
That bailout is the biggest farce I have heard in a while, most money from my understanding would be directed to automotive and manufacturing aid, which low and behold the heartlands of this are in Quebec and Ontario. Canada does not need a bailout, what good will that 20 billion do with the automotive and manufacturing if GM shuts down? or the US has a prolongs recession?, the ones that would be buying a good portion of those manufactured goods, nothing, it would be a big waste of money, we don't have banks crumbling, our housing crisis is nowhere near as bad, I just don't get it, why throw money at a non existant problem, we are in good shape to weather the storm, lets bite the bullet and get it over with panic is the worst thing you can do in times like these, I wish someone would tell that to the morons at the top with the liberal/ndp/bloc parties. At the very least we should wait for the US to make the first move, since we rely on them so heavily for imports and exports, lets play off their move and be smart about this.

I 100% agree, Canadian banks do not need a bail out nor does the economy. Royal Bank made 200 million last quarter. Where's the struggle? If the government does go ahead with the bail out Ontario gets it while every working Joe in Western Canada pays for it.
Jul 6, 2001
Watrous, SK
You know, I agree, I would not want to see it split, but I do think we need something that represents the west more, the status quo is just not cutting it. If western separtism did happen which I dont personally see it happening, then I would think without the arrogance of the french and their culture and the massive amounts of equalization we have to pay in, as well as the suits in ontario who think they can run the entire country, I think Western Canada would still be a pretty darn good country, in my opinion we would be getting rid of more problems than taking on, and be a much richer nation, so you could very well be explaining to your grandkids how we ended up living in an ever better country as well.

Equalization payments:

Ontario: $347 million
Manitoba: $2.1 billion
PEI: $340 million
Nova Scotia: $1.57 billion
New Brunswick: $1.69 billion
and the winner is....
Quebec: $8.35 billion

Not that I don't agree with you, but here's a bit of a shocker based on equalization payments. Quebec takes the lump sum cake with 8.35 billion, but if you average that out per person, Manitoba is the actual winner. I didn't realize that until someone pointed that out to me a few months ago. It works out to approx. $1800 per man, woman, child in Manitoba, and $1100 and change for Quebec.
Jul 6, 2001
Watrous, SK
Harper ***ged my folks and many other retiree's/ investors when he taxed income trust's.... He's a Fag!!!.. I'm not partial to any of the parties and I'd probably freak out if that seperatist has anything to do with our country..... As much as I hate the NDP they seem like one of they few that care about the working Shmoe.....???

I have to wonder if there is anything those in power can actually do to make any positive change or if it's all corrupt and lip service to get there just to screw us over.....

I really don't have a full understanding of politic's I just know that things are bad and can get much worse..... We as a country need to find away to voice our oppinion!!!

I keep hearing that the youth needs to vote etc.... I've been a youth for many years and have always had a odd way of looking at things....

The election prior to this I destroyed my ballot!!! This show's a vote of non cometence in our government and should throw the party out.....

If I'm forced to vote again I will destroy my balllot again!!! I just wish everyone would do the same!!!


I'm sorry, but the income trust loophole HAD to be closed and Harper was the "bad guy" in doing so. No other way around it.


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
Not that I don't agree with you, but here's a bit of a shocker based on equalization payments. Quebec takes the lump sum cake with 8.35 billion, but if you average that out per person, Manitoba is the actual winner. I didn't realize that until someone pointed that out to me a few months ago. It works out to approx. $1800 per man, woman, child in Manitoba, and $1100 and change for Quebec.

thats actually a pretty good point, however as I see it Quebec has a pretty darn good GDP, they spend a great deal of their money differentiating themselves from the rest of Canada, if they didnt do that, I would doubt they would need an equalization payment in the first place.
Sep 21, 2002
This won't last.
Come on.. I think the opposition made a costly mistake. If there is an election, say in a week, and the fools have no time to save face, there will be a massive restructuring of all the current opposition, and a majority gov also.

Then there should be a referendum for the separatists, and there will be peace. Everything west of manitoba being the new Canada.
Nov 5, 2008
Dions own party doesn't want him so what makes them think the rest of Canada does?He can't even speak clearly enough to understand!I sent letters to the NDP and the Liberals asking how they feel signing a deal with a party that doesn't want to be part of Canada is the best thing for Canadians.We just had an election and now they're choosing to disregard the will of Canadians because they lost.Absolute stupidity!
Jan 14, 2004
It's all just a pile of BS and politcal posturing. The economy is the excuse they are choosing to use but in reality there isn't anything anybody can do to stop the inevitable. The american house of cards is crashing down, let it fall all the way, everybody suck it up and take their lumps then start rebuilding your economys from the ground up. The previous model was unsustainable at best. As far as those dip$hit coalition morons go, do they really think they can stop this by spending. DUH. If they get this through in 2 years our currency will be the Peso.

Nov 26, 2007
Prince George, B.C.
Watching the news the other night, Dion says something to the effect of "We will give the people of Canada the goverment they want." I'm sorry, but, didn't the people decide on the government we want a few weeks ago? If this is allowed to happen, we can save alot of money on elections and just do a lottery for the next government! You get the lucky ticket, you're the prime minister! (Please leave your name with neg. rep!)
Nov 26, 2007
Saskatoon, SK.
Looks like the G.G. gave everyone a break ...until Jan. 26th., where the Conservatives will present a budget.
My bet is an election in Feb........ and this will be a good thing. My bet is Conservative majority and either the NDP or Liberals will be wiped out.
Aug 16, 2004
Winnipeg MB
Draw a line at the Manitoba/Ontario border. Western Canada runs things their way, East do WTF you want! If it were 2 separate countries easterners would need to apply for a work visa and be required to pass inspection LOL. I have lots of buds from NL, NS and NB, would suck for them. :beer;

Easy to do, only two roads to take care of, and one is a nowhere road. I can start with the chain link fence this weekend:beer;


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
Easy to do, only two roads to take care of, and one is a nowhere road. I can start with the chain link fence this weekend:beer;

haha, with the state of the Canadian military after so many years of liberal rule, a chain link fence should just about do the trick for security :D

But yes, I think we finally had some good news today, hopefully cooler heads can prevail, and we can avoid a disatrous coalition government, I for one would rather go back to the polls than have Dion as my PM


New member
Oct 29, 2008
This is complete BS. The people spoke just a few weeks ago and elected the conservatives in a democratic vote. What the Liberals, NDP, and Bloc are doins isn't very democratic as I feel there are some real hidden agendas behind this coalition government. The system is f*cked up is this goes through! Just my .02
Jan 8, 2008
Wembley, AB
Git R Done SteveO, but do it at the Ontario border. Them Maitobans are OK! If you need funding gimme a call. We can sell trail passes at that point of entry...LOL
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