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Dosn't this piss other Canadians off? Strong possibility of a new government



Well-known member
Jan 28, 2005
Settle down youn Jedi... lol
I admire you enthusiasm and really wish more youth would get involved, but here are a few tips:
First, they have a motion of non-confidence in the house of parliament - it has nothing to do with you destroying your ballot. I am not sure what non cometence is.
Second, calling someone a "fag" (your words) makes your entire opinion worthless as it shows you are just emotionally crying out in frustration.
That doesnt make you right or wrong, just do some research and help move this country forward constructively.:beer;


I'm sorry I've been drinking again.... I guess that makes me a "youn Jedi ":face-icon-small-blu

I've been avoiding the news F.W.I.W.

I really do not like Harper. I do not like Dion. I do not like Layton and the NDP although Layton seems to be more palitable than the rest for the working Shmoe...

" Its been real and it's been nice... but it hasn't been real nice "

Joe Shmoe
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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2005
You know what this all stems back to? The Bloc Quebecois. As long as they're around, and Quebec keeps playing separatist card, we're going to be stuck with ineffective minority governments.

I say the rest of the country has a referendum this time to see who actually WANTS them to stay.

If this coalition government does form, get ready for the NEP #2. The 3 names that will go down in history of permanently destroying this country will be Dion, Duceppe and Layton.

Cue the reincarnation of the Western Separatist Party... I'm buying in this time.

I'm sorry.. Never give up waterfront..... If the french want a stinky society... My Bad... Destinct Society.....Move them to a Reservation and see how the like it.... A poor move in any situations. If Canada were the USA and a State wanted to leave the USA would they be tried for treason? Thank god for the Ethnic Vote or we would have lost our country a couple of years ago.

If Y'all do not want others oppinions drop the political threads!!

Yes I'm am P'OD about this crap!!!!
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Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Young voters are too easily influeneced by there liberal minded professors in school.They havnt had to be out in the real world long enough to think for themselves, Just like when they have a protest rally couple people know the issue the rest just show up and join in to get out of class.
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Nov 26, 2007
cowtown ab.
Transporter makes a good point here. It's like talking to your kids about sex. It's important to tell your kids why you vote the way you vote. I have a he!! of a time with all the tree hugging shi! my kids pick up in school. I pretty much have my son on the right track, but my daughter was in Africa last spring cause she listened to some liberal prik at here school tell her that was the right thing to do. It only took them (boyfriend) being robbed @ gunpoint to realize maybe this wasn't the smartest thing to do. Speaking of guns, I guess it's pretty obvious now why those POS liberals wanted the gun law. Lots of comments about the Republic of Western Can. I'm all for it!! Let's go.
Jan 8, 2008
Wembley, AB
Draw a line at the Manitoba/Ontario border. Western Canada runs things their way, East do WTF you want! If it were 2 separate countries easterners would need to apply for a work visa and be required to pass inspection LOL. I have lots of buds from NL, NS and NB, would suck for them. :beer;
Dec 26, 2007
Prince George
And we laughed at the Americans for their last election recount......we said we now how to run an election...and now this! No recount needed here just a plain old linching would do.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Its time for the real Canadians to take a stand.Seems like its always the immigrants and special interest groups that get heard.


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
I sent letters to all parties involved in the coalition, every little bit would help I would think.

If this goes throgh, I might just set up a website regarding western separtism, see how much interest and support there would be, not necessarily to seperate the country, but something to give us a strong independant voice in the west for once, lets play the same game Quebec has, the talks have to start somewhere and I for one am pissed off enough to look at that option.
Jan 8, 2008
Wembley, AB
I'm in X-guy!
We all need a strong Western voice, my grandfather would be pissed to see what his friends and family gave their lives for to secure this nation only to let the east destroy it. He died of Cancer due to exposure to chemicals from WWII. He was one he)) of a man!!
People in this country now would run like the rats they are if we ever went to war, maybe that is what it will take to clean out the $hit that has piled up out east.
Nov 27, 2007
Salmon Arm
I sent letters to all parties involved in the coalition, every little bit would help I would think.

If this goes throgh, I might just set up a website regarding western separtism, see how much interest and support there would be, not necessarily to seperate the country, but something to give us a strong independant voice in the west for once, lets play the same game Quebec has, the talks have to start somewhere and I for one am pissed off enough to look at that option.

Go for it! I'm in!
Nov 28, 2007
Spruce Grove,Ab.
As upset as I am about this whole thing, I'd rather be mad at some pri** in Quebec or Ottawa,than have to explain to my grandkid's that I had A hand in splitting up the best country in the world. I hope like hel** that splitting the country down the middle isn't the best answer.


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
As upset as I am about this whole thing, I'd rather be mad at some pri** in Quebec or Ottawa,than have to explain to my grandkid's that I had A hand in splitting up the best country in the world. I hope like hel** that splitting the country down the middle isn't the best answer.

You know, I agree, I would not want to see it split, but I do think we need something that represents the west more, the status quo is just not cutting it. If western separtism did happen which I dont personally see it happening, then I would think without the arrogance of the french and their culture and the massive amounts of equalization we have to pay in, as well as the suits in ontario who think they can run the entire country, I think Western Canada would still be a pretty darn good country, in my opinion we would be getting rid of more problems than taking on, and be a much richer nation, so you could very well be explaining to your grandkids how we ended up living in an ever better country as well.

Equalization payments:

Ontario: $347 million
Manitoba: $2.1 billion
PEI: $340 million
Nova Scotia: $1.57 billion
New Brunswick: $1.69 billion
and the winner is....
Quebec: $8.35 billion
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Nov 28, 2007
Kitimat B.C.
we are about to go from the strongest G8 economy to the weakest, Harpers leaked budget was on the right track.............Throwing a 1.5% bailout at the economy is not going to do a thing in markets this volatile. Massive government cutbacks and patience is the answer.
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