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Dosn't this piss other Canadians off? Strong possibility of a new government



Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC

so we have an election, we elect a STRONGER conservative government, so they have the support of the majority of Canadians. Now the opposition decides it dosnt want to play nice because the tories want to cut election funding to save our country money, which would affect the opposition most because they cannot raise money on their own, boo hoo, not a taxpayer problem. So they are going to try to bring down the government, and form a coalition government WTF!!! Canada didnt vote for a damn NDP/Bloc/Liberal government, they voted a ****ing conservative government, worst of all, that clueless moron Dion would be heading it up, how the hell is this democracy? So, looks like we have 3 possibilites

Conservatives pass the non confidence vote, all is good, and that damn french bobble head can sit and pout, which is looking increasingly doubtful

Conservatives get brought down, and we have a coalition government and be a ****ing laughing stock of the world, any other G8 countries using a coalition government???

Or we get to go to a god damn election and spend another $380 million in a time when the **** has hit the fan and no one can afford to throw money away, SMART!

Sometimes I envy the US 2 party system.


Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
very democratic way of getting power now isn't it!!!!!!!!! also, there have been many countries that have coalition gov'ts, not sure about G8's though. doesn't seem like it's all above board to me. just seems like a way to circumvent the elctoral will of the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 6, 2001
Watrous, SK
You know what this all stems back to? The Bloc Quebecois. As long as they're around, and Quebec keeps playing separatist card, we're going to be stuck with ineffective minority governments.

I say the rest of the country has a referendum this time to see who actually WANTS them to stay.

If this coalition government does form, get ready for the NEP #2. The 3 names that will go down in history of permanently destroying this country will be Dion, Duceppe and Layton.

Cue the reincarnation of the Western Separatist Party... I'm buying in this time.


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
You know what this all stems back to? The Bloc Quebecois. As long as they're around, and Quebec keeps playing separatist card, we're going to be stuck with ineffective minority governments.

I say the rest of the country has a referendum this time to see who actually WANTS them to stay.

If this coalition government does form, get ready for the NEP #2. The 3 names that will go down in history of permanently destroying this country will be Dion, Duceppe and Layton.

Cue the reincarnation of the Western Separatist Party... I'm buying in this time.

amen, I am there with you, **** quebec, we would be better off without them. SK, BC, and AB are all the top performing provinces in the country, with ontario/quebec dragging us down because they put all their eggs in one basket with manufacturing, and now screaming for help with their hand out after year after year of giving us the middle finger when WE were down and out, excuse me, but how is the auto industries troubles that much more than the forestry problems in BC for the past 15 years, or the fishing industry collapse on the east coast, they didnt get bailouts, am I wrong? seems to me most of the NDP/libs were elected in in quebec and ontario, now these are the provinces who are holding the rest of Canada hostage to get their way.


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
very democratic way of getting power now isn't it!!!!!!!!! also, there have been many countries that have coalition gov'ts, not sure about G8's though. doesn't seem like it's all above board to me. just seems like a way to circumvent the elctoral will of the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did a little research for us, not only have no G8 countries had a coalition government, no G20 country have ever had a coalition government!, this is embarrassing, Thailand had a coalition government, looks like its working swell with them. Westerners are gonna get screwed again, knowing dion, he will push his green agenda with the NDP while he has the chance, since he will never get into power without this kind of sneaky crap.
Dec 16, 2007
Mammoth Lakes, CA
...and this is why my family left Montreal.. VISA lottos of the 80's For the win! I love going back, but I wouldn't want to move back.. We can't even get our road signs figured out... Arrêt, then the next one.. Stop, then the next one up the road is Arrêt (with stop under it)... You guys think you have it bad on the west, don't forget about all the poor sobs myself who grew up english in the quebec. Not everybody there wants to separate.
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Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
I did a little research for us, not only have no G8 countries had a coalition government, no G20 country have ever had a coalition government!, this is embarrassing, Thailand had a coalition government, looks like its working swell with them. Westerners are gonna get screwed again, knowing dion, he will push his green agenda with the NDP while he has the chance, since he will never get into power without this kind of sneaky crap.
and there you have it. the only country i was actually thinking of was isreal, i'm pretty sure they've had coalitions several times, but doesn't matter either way, it's bad and total BS for THIS country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 26, 2007
cowtown ab.
X-guy, I'm glad you brought this up, I have a few things to get off my chest too. Here's what I'm thinking, if with another election called do you think that MAYBE, just MAYBE those dumb sh!ts down east just might pull their heads out of their azzes and vote the way we vote. I'm being very optimistic here, but maybe another election is what those dumbs sh!ts need to get their sh!t together. Who the he!! else can you vote for? Dion? I have never seen anybody as dumb as him, yet become a party leader. Kinda tells you the intellect of the Liberals who elected him party leader. Jack? Personally I kinda like the guy, but in a party going nowhere, therefore would NEVER get my vote. And then of course our favorite out here in western Can., the Bloc party. Believe it or not our American friends reading this, this party from Quebec has National standing. Only in Canada, can a provincial party form part of a federal gov't. I now hang my head in shame . He!! I'd rather vote for the gal in the Green party, she does know her politics, again in a party going nowhere. Stephen Harper is in my riding, matter of fact, we both voted @ the same polling station @ the same time. Pretty sure we even voted for the same guy! Another election, I'm OK with it, I'll vote for the Conservatives again. Rant over, but blood pressure still high!!:face-icon-small-fro:face-icon-small-dis;)
Nov 26, 2007
Close to Mountains

Why not tell us how you really feel. ROTFLMAO :D:beer;

On a serious note I agree Dion a Prime Minister what a joke. Let them bring government down then the voters will elect a majority government. Voters are not going to be happy with the reasons other parties aren't going to get money in times of restraint. Surely not even the Liberal and Bloc supporters can be that stupid. Green and NDP not even on radar screen.
Dec 1, 2007
I did a little research for us, not only have no G8 countries had a coalition government, no G20 country have ever had a coalition government!, this is embarrassing, Thailand had a coalition government, looks like its working swell with them. Westerners are gonna get screwed again, knowing dion, he will push his green agenda with the NDP while he has the chance, since he will never get into power without this kind of sneaky crap.

Thailand also has the highest (or close to the highest) paid politicians. Not only will you not want what you get...you'll pay through the nose for it.
Nov 28, 2007
The ultimate frustration for me is that there is so much money and time spent dealing with the politic's of doing politic's that there isn't any time left to run the frickin country
The govt just keep's feedin the machine
When the people make noise they get rid of some doctors and close some schools and maybe slap some more gas tax on


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Its time for serious dialogue in our government. This is like a dog chasing its tail. What a useless waste of tax payers money running another election. I'm all for separation, LOL !

I think what the government has done with all the cuts is a great start in the right direction. Start at the source and go from there. Dion is a retard, if that monkey ever gets into any position of power we are all ***ged !
If you guys can get western canada to split from the rest of canada, I will move there tomorrow. Holy fk. That would be awesome!

Sorry you boys gotta deal with BS like that. Atleast the majority of your country has people that get it. Our country is full of brain washed idiots.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
You know what this all stems back to? The Bloc Quebecois. As long as they're around, and Quebec keeps playing separatist card, we're going to be stuck with ineffective minority governments.

I say the rest of the country has a referendum this time to see who actually WANTS them to stay.

If this coalition government does form, get ready for the NEP #2. The 3 names that will go down in history of permanently destroying this country will be Dion, Duceppe and Layton.

Cue the reincarnation of the Western Separatist Party... I'm buying in this time.

Ya know I never understood WTF Quebec was thinking ...

I mean really, it's like you stupid motherf*ckers WANT to be part of ... let me get this straight without laughing .... FRANCE?!?!?!?

If I was the rest of Canada I'd be like "Don't let the door hit you on the way out, *******s"....

Then after they become New France you could just stroll in there with a couple of tanks and some megaphones and be like "Mmmmk you all are now taken over by Canada, here's your new constitution, deal with it." ... They'd just roll over and let it happen.

heh :D


Mar 16, 2004
Tell ya what.
You split off, we take the centeral US and we make a new country.
We get the bread basket of the US and the OIL of Canada.
We're set.
May 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Yah I'm hoping that enough people would be choked at their party joining up with the other 2 and just vote Conservative. This minority gov't has accomplished nothing, because of the way it's set up. I think Harper is doing a decent job, but he has to kiss too much bum down east to keep everyone happy.
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