Another save that came to mind was a tremendously huge avy that swept through a group of about a half dozen a few years ago. I remember the whole event as if it happened yesterday. As I was on the run in an effort to first save my own life I remember thinking about the group behind me that were caught in it. I was trying to guesstimate how far the slide carried them, and what color all the sleds were in an effort to reconcile who was missing or buried, it's really weird how your head processes details when in the middle of a controlled panic. I had a bad crash crossing a creekbed at about 60 MPH, after getting my crap together and upright, I ran back upslope and started counting, 3 were missing, 2 of them were partially buried and weren't in a life threatening predicament. One person was gone, the guy on the red sled, another rider eventually found the toe of his boot poking out of the snow, we dug like crazy and uncovered a live, very shook up sledder. It turned out to be a good outcome, paying attention to everyone around you whether they are in your group or not can pay big dividends.