I think bottom of the line is that nobody likes takeing there sleds or whatever to a dealer because nobody gives a rats a$$ about other peoples stuff.People only care about there stuff.
Be thankfull when you brought it in for a final warranty work check over that you payed for, that they didnt miss a cracked clutch post,only changed 1 out of 3 cracked motor mounts, forgot to put bolts back in under the hood finding them bouncing around on my next ride under the hood.There is more but im getting pissed off again thinking about it. And this was a year ago
Be thankfull when you brought it in for a final warranty work check over that you payed for, that they didnt miss a cracked clutch post,only changed 1 out of 3 cracked motor mounts, forgot to put bolts back in under the hood finding them bouncing around on my next ride under the hood.There is more but im getting pissed off again thinking about it. And this was a year ago