Quick to judge ????
... don't even try that one with me. I DONT DRINK AND DRIVE NOR DOO I DRINK AND RIDE SLEDS. Got it now??... Dino
So you can get it strait, my drinking days are long gone, sure a Fat Tire Ale with my once a month steak dinner. As for the license I was trying to point out just a few of the consequences ... not to mention higher Insurance rates. In so far as "grow up" ...please don't try to LECTER me about the carnage of drinkingIf your license is so important then dont drink and ride. Its really pretty simple.
If you need to drink then stay home. Riding is dangerous enough without having to worry about people drinking on the trails. Grow up and save the drinks for after.
And if you decide to take a chance I hope you lose your license, job, sled, and all your possesions after you cant afford to pay for them.