here is a first hand account for you. I had my CYLINDER skirt break and take out the entire motor two weeks ago. had to have the sled choppered out. the vid is somewhere here in the pro section. my motor had just shy of 2000 miles on it. and those are hard miles as i am not overly nice to my motors. very little trail miles. i had the extended warranty so the only thing i paid for was the 600 helicopter ride, well plus my 50 dollar deductible. which sucked but a hell of a lot better than the $4500 repair bill. plus my dealer had me up and running within a week. would have been faster if the damn insurance inspector wouldn't have dragged *** for two days and not shown up. only one around here that i have heard of loosing a cylinder skirt. i have heard of a few other issues but that is probably to be expected with the number of pros that have been sold. regardless, polaris does still does have some manufacturing issues with their motors but i think it is improving and it decidedly isn't bad enough that i worry about it or keep me from buying one.
WOW !!, the cylinder skirt looks pretty beefy to be breaking off, does the piston skirt come down a fair amount past the cylinder skirt at BDC ? I would think it should not as to the piston typically get`s much smaller as it gets to mid point, piston to cylinder clearance may increase a lot, could be a big factor to skirt issues.