What most people on here dont know is that Beasley does not want the snopark to be closed down, he himself used the snopark for many years before purchasing his property. He only is doing it as a last resort motion to get some larger scale attention on the subject matter, which it seems as if that objective is working. Him and the other residents nearby have submitted many proposals for different routes of winter access to access to their properties only to be slapped in the face each time with a denial from the USFS and WA Parks Dept, and with little or no justification as to why they are denying him to either plow his own dual use road (ex. Salmon La Sac) or to plow an already existing road that went from the snopark to the fire dept. through the trees that many snowmobilers probably never have even noticed. Also the Parks dept. has taken away access to the parking lot that was reserved for trollhaugen and residents of the sawmill flats area, which is where Beasley had parked prior to the closing of the lot, with the excuse that they dont have the budget to plow it. When many residents are willing to and have the equipment to plow it themselves if thats what it takes to have access to their homes.
Many residents live up there year round such as the McCormic residence and Odonnel residence (the caboose right outside of the snopark on the right). A few years back Pat Odonnel had a heart complecation and it was 3 hours before EMT's could get to him, which happens to be the closest residence to the snopark (about a quarter mile down the main road). The next closest being another half mile and Beasleys almost a full mile from the snopark.
Ask yourself, if you owned a cabin/home at crystal springs, would you want winter access? and if so suggest what actions you would take to gain the access knowing what already has bein done in the efforts of obtaining access. Rather than making insults, and making false claims, he doesnt want our snopark closed, he wants to be able to get to his house