Alright. Last post and I have to go do some other things with my evening.
I have read quite a bit of what you have written on this site. Enough that there are certainly points where I find you can be put into a position construed as not 'right' and thus 'wrong' as those seem to be the black and white places you need to place everything into.
Much of what you have posted, whether regarding politics, business, or basic ideas are nothing more than concepts that you find to best fit your world view. These are not 'right' per say, but rather what you find best answers your own questions about how the world works. Thus, anyone spending their time to 'prove you wrong' will be sharing their version. In that light, neither is necessarily right. These are not topics that can be 'proven.'
The difference is the presentation. You, at 23, and myself at a few years past that, have no right to treat those older or more experienced than ourselves with less respect. When you do not have the same number of stripes, you simply shut your mouth and prove with your actions that you have earned your place. And when you have made your case, then you quietly go on living and enjoying the success you have.
You claim everyone makes fun of you and posts childish replies. Perhaps yes. But it takes a better man to both notice this and walk away from it. What they are waiting for is you to do this. Walk away. This doesn't make either party right or wrong. It simply allows the nonsensical cycle to stop.
So, I am walking away from this or any other 'fight for right' in this section. No more posting about this. Can you do the same? If you can, the level of respect you will earn on this site will greatly increase. I want you to have more respect, from others for yourself and toward those on this site. Be the man here. I know you will.
very true, as everyone tries to create the world according to their own world view. yes, my analogy is what makes sense to me. true.
but when it comes to chemtrails, its proven, now they even talk about it like its nothing when at first, they denied it.
The ron paul censorship, true, as some news stations talk about it, and ron paul speaks about. when you see the immediate debate results, and the immediate poll results and how they say one thing, then other news stations say another, you know that something funny is at play.
the cops writing tickets for whatever to collect revenue, very true, my cop friends talk about it. they have to. if they dont write enough tickets, they dont keep their job.
and i agree with the respect your elders part. as thats what you learn as a kid.
**i just highly disagree with the elders that show immediate disrespect**. thats what happened right off the bat. all because of an assumption. so thats how everything started. theres a few, so with them wanting to receive respect from me, its not going to happen. until they stop showing disrespect. on this thread, i was respectful to the people being respectful to me.
im very aware of the fact that fouled plug is a very poor representation of what snowest is. ive been on this site since it was free, so i know fouled plug means nothing. im just simply sharing my thoughts, and people who disagree, HIGHLY disagree.
**for some reason, i guess i just get off by playing the very same game with these jokesters as they play, just with an intelligent analytical spin on everything. testing my knowledge, and seeing if others can share the same. ill just say, theres just a FEW that are incapable of doing so. its apparent that they try, they just fail. they're putting in just as much effort as i am...
and i know i make at least a LITTLE sense when MODS rate me at thumbs up on some of my REDICULOUS statements...
but yes. i will stop responding to these jokesters. its gonna be boring though until we get some good snow....
until then.......