AK-Rider wrote it pretty well. This is another example showing that the new administration has no idea what the 'membership' wants in a forum. And, if you're going to charge, then you become accountable to the membership for your actions, and decisions.
As far as this PM hurting the Thunderstruck film sales, I don't think it will, and I hope it doesen't. Jim makes good films, and they are fun to watch. But, so do lots of others, and they are fun to watch as well.
So, we again come full-circle, and are right back to the principle of the issue. I don't have access to a "SW all" distribution list to send everyone with an account a private message telling them about a cool product. Christopher does. And in this case, he misused his power. Now, when he put out that letter the Susie wrote just after the Revy Avalanche this past year, to me, I felt that was completly appropriate, and I thank him for making that choice. But that did not have marketing ramifications. It dealt with an announcment, (a very sad one) and I'm sure it helped some of those affected by that tragic event in the healing and grieving process.
Christohper, if you are still reading this thread, do you have any idea how much grief you would save yourself if you just appologized (this might be worth a group PM, since you orignial error was as well) for a judgmental error? If you want to be successful in this environment, you need to begin to open your eyes, and open your heart and take in what people are trying so hard to tell you.
I still think that a huge step in the right direction would be to establish yourself a 'member' alias, in addition to your 'all-powerful "OZ" ' alias.