The most amazing thing I ever learned about clutching happened by accident back in 05. Was wining to a friend about how doggone much harder sidehilling my new 05 summit 550 fan was compared to the old Phazer mtns. He suggested putting in a high rate primary spring (130/280) HUH? So I buy about five springs 100/260, 100/280, 130/280, 130.320, 160/280 etc. The one that worked amazing was the 130/280 and 100/280 for the wifey. Works for sidehilling because when the front end starts washing out downhill, just a little burp of the throttle gets max R's and breaks the track loose and rear of sled washes out and is level with front end again.
BUT the other thing it does is the High Rate (short spring, fat wire) with lower lbs at engagement allows clutch weights to generate more belt squeeze so the sled will literally tractor along through the powder at 5 to 12 mph without breaking the track loose. This is if you set up with lower engagement
Fixes that track everybody was complaining about a few years ago.
The 100/280 on the wifes sled is because she doesn't get stuck anymore and I can ride more. It will tractor along at near 15 mph before it tips over and snaps to shift RPM.
Takes a little experimenting to get the right spring that you like but well worth it. Kind of like having two different clutching setups or ratios in one clutch setup, low and high. The 160/280 on my 385 lb 629 fan mod was nuts, burp throttle at 15 mph and skis were two feet in air, where stock style springs couldn't get front off the snow to save your life or jump a log. One of my complaints on that sled (no weight transfer) turns out to be the primary spring not the rear suspension, sure surprised me. Never ran that spring in the powder as I felt it was to aggressive.
I currently use a high rate on my 380 lb 08 mod mtn TNT and friends use it on 800R's, old mod MXZ big bore triple etc., it just flat works!!!! Makes for a fun to ride sled!!!
These high rate style springs are just the opposite of a lot of doo stock springs over the years, the ones that look like you could put them on a front shock in a pinch cause they are so long!!!
Good Luck
PS Going back to our first trips to the Mtns in late 80's with short track Phazers would have been a whole lot more fun with high rate (lower engagement rpm) primary springs instead of the factory higher engagement rpm springs for high altitude. Wouldn't have been trenching near as much. Factory theory was make up for lower HP at engagement with more R's at engagement mine now is do it with lower gears, max track speed in powder isn't much over 50 mph with anything except turbo's anyhow.