There was a lot of confusion about Alternative A being selected by SAWS and Montana Snowmobile Clubs, so I ask for it in writing. Here's what the forest sevice says. I think this says, your comments will NOT be ignored.
BTW, SAWS just makes recommendatations, you are absolutely free to come to your own conclusion. If asking for Alternative B makes you more comfortable, then by all means please do so. Alt A and Alt B are almost exactly the same. Heck, I may put Alternative B on my own personal comments, but I'll ask that the forest wide closure be rolled back to November 4th, too. The important part, is you consider all the data, and write a comment letter, that's all I'm asking.
I did run across one new piece of info you may want to include in your comments. Tell the forest service that they should not finalize the Travel Plan, until the Forest Plan is complete.
Thanks, Wade
Hello, Mr. Patrick. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Please feel free to forward this response to other members of the
snowmobile community.
All of the comments about the Clearwater National Forest's Travel Planning
Draft EIS, including those about Alternative A, will be considered by the
decisionmaker when making his/her decision. The Final EIS, which we
expect to publish in the spring of 2010, will include a response to the
comments that were received for the Draft EIS.
It is important to understand that commenting is not a voting process.
Your comments will be used to refine the alternatives and analysis that
were presented in the Draft EIS. If a hundred comments are received that
say "I prefer Alternative A," the process will work the same as if only
one commenter had said "I prefer alternative A." It is the comment
itself that is important, not the number of times the comment is repeated.
Comments should be as specific as possible. The most useful comments are
those that are focused on specific issues, the effects of the alternatives
presented in the DEIS, the analysis itself, and site-specific information
within the project area, to name a few examples.
Thanks again for your interest in the Clearwater National Forest's Travel
Planning process.
-- Lois Foster
Lois Foster IDT Leader/NEPA Coordinator
Clearwater National Forest
Kamiah Ranger Station