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Check out what I found on Ebay

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snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
New machines cost $20,000.

How many used Snow Hawks have you seen lately for that kind of money.

In fact you don't even see many for sale, owners are riding them now.

Most used 500, and 600 machines the Team riders have bought lately were in the $3-8 thousand range, only our machine is in the 10k range.

Like the auction description states, find another 09 800's are sold out.

snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
They are.

Because you get more physical machine for your dollar, it's the same reason a yz450 costs more than it's four wheeler brother.

You have to decide what you are a biker or a four wheeler rider.:confused:
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snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
Besides that,

Even $10000 is ridiculous, you could easily pick up a few cheap bikes and add track kits to them. You'd have could have a whole fleet of em for $10000

Do used dirt bikes fare well when ridden hard, then add snow.:confused:

The guy's that really ride their 450's and 530's have to upgrade every few years to prevent major maintenance or repair costs.

Some of those KTM's are reaching $8 thousand dollars, when you add even the cheaper Explorer at $3,000.00 that adds up.
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Nov 28, 2007
Group them all together and the diameter of that circle would take up a block. :eek:

I knew there weren't a whole lot of them, but only a block? That is pretty bad.

Nov 26, 2007
I'm just stating the facts, if I was wealthy when I got involved in this Snow Hawk endeavor I would have bought up all the machines in existence at the time, thus continuing the 100 plus annual production, and creating urgency.

Just because they sat in unmotivated non enthusiastic dealers floors did not mean they sucked, no some lucky sob came along picked one up for a song putt the effort in, and found out how bichin they are.

I'm sure those three hundred by now folks watching the auction, a few of them at least hope to find that song of a deal still, well wish in one hand, and $h1t in another. :eek:

Hand guards are $35.00-$120.00 depending on brand.

1. How many dealers does / did SnowHawk have? I find it extremely hard to believe that ALL of the dealers were 'unmotivated non enthusiastic' and do / did nothing to help sell these. If you haven't figured out the snowmachine consumer yet, we are very loyal and brand allegiant. Also, this business relies heavily on the dealer network to not only sell their products but to also support them. Why would anyone want to purchase these machines after you come on a public forum and bad mouth your dealers.

2. How many registered SnowHawks are there as compared to registered snowmobiles? I don't have the numbers but my best bet would be that Snowhawk registrations in the US comprise < 1% of the total number of registered snowmachines. By way of comparison, Saleen probably has similar numbers yet they have no problem creating demand, or 'urgency', for their products. If you can't create demand by only building 100 units / year, you should re-evaluate your product and figure out why you are having problems differentiating yourself in market.

3. Why would anyone pay nearly double the price for a SnowHawk when they can get something similar, if not better, for half the cost? Using your logic, why would you buy a BMW M3 or a MB AMG C55 when you can buy a VW Golf for twice the price? SnowHawk really needs to figure out how to price their products so they don't price themselves out of the market. Just because you aren't selling something doesn't mean that it's suddenly worth twice as much.

Please stop with the EMO arguments and bring some facts to this discussion. It's really not that tough to figure out why SnowHawks aren't selling.


snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
Thank you, Mr very loyal and brand allegiant.

1. How many dealers does / did SnowHawk have? I find it extremely hard to believe that ALL of the dealers were 'unmotivated non enthusiastic' and do / did nothing to help sell these.

Dealer network was two to three per snow yielding state, now narrowed down to seven strategic "motivated" regions in North America, also similar in Europe.

2. How many registered SnowHawks are there as compared to registered snowmobiles?

Est. 5-600 in United States of America, close to the same in Ca.

3. Why would anyone pay nearly double the price for a SnowHawk when they can get something similar, if not better, for half the cost? Using your logic, why would you buy a BMW M3 or a MB AMG C55 when you can buy a VW Golf for twice the price?

Had to inquire with SHA for this one, maybe a better comparison would be the Hawk vs Redline or CME.

Here's your Golf
Nov 26, 2007
You are welcome. The fact that snowmachine owners are extremely loyal shouldn't be overlooked by someone who is trying to break into the snowmachine market especially with the overall economy in its current situation. Based off the reports from last years unit sales for snowmachines, SnowHawk comprises < .2% of the entire new sales market (based on the assumption that SnowHawk can actually sell all 100 units that they produced last year).

I think it's funny that you compare the SnowHawk to the Redline or CMX. One is out of business and the other actually has a business model that is the complete opposite end of the spectrum from SnowHawk. CMX not only produces lightweight, high performance machine but they also make specific speality aftermarket parts. Plus...I'm pretty sure that CMX sells most of the machines they produce. Maybe the people in charge at SnowHawk should really look at the some of the other manufacturers in this business and try to pattern their business model after them. Not only can you get ALOT more machine for your dollar with another manufacturer (with or without aftermarket parts and accessories), but the accessories are much more readily available with them as well.

P.S. You still didn't tell me how many dealers you have in your 7 strategic regions in NA.
Nov 26, 2007
So SnowHawk is trying to model their business after what has worked in years past??? There's part of the problem right there. Whoever is in charge needs to look ahead, not behind. Otherwise, what do you think will become of SnowHawk if they pattern their business after Redline in their 'glory days'. My prediction is that they too will be out of business in a few short years.

I would love to ride a SnowHawk and see what they are really like to ride...BUT, I am a little less than enthusiastic about their products after all of the 'publicity' that SnowHawk Crack Head Addict has given you guys. That guy alone is enough to drive away any potential customers.
Nov 28, 2007
So SnowHawk is trying to model their business after what has worked in years past??? There's part of the problem right there. Whoever is in charge needs to look ahead, not behind. Otherwise, what do you think will become of SnowHawk if they pattern their business after Redline in their 'glory days'. My prediction is that they too will be out of business in a few short years.

I would love to ride a SnowHawk and see what they are really like to ride...BUT, I am a little less than enthusiastic about their products after all of the 'publicity' that SnowHawk Crack Head Addict has given you guys. That guy alone is enough to drive away any potential customers.

I think its a guarantee that there have been at least a few people on this forum that were intent on buying a SH....until they met him

snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
That's Snowest

Which only consists of maybe 5% of the machines sold, customers come from all power sport industries, including the physical athlete crowd.

Snowest is not the end all, accept maybe with the very loyal and brand allegiant.



No matter how hard you fellers pick on SH Gal, she's going to win the debate

She's a loaded gun :)

----- Gimp -----

snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
Thanks for the reminder

I almost forgot the little guy's, both the JR60, and 120 Hawks they would account for another 2-500 machines.

Personally I prefer the JR120, it has the most bang for the $3,500.00, feels stronger than my CRF150, of course it is a two smoker.

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