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Cascade Playtime Rentals SUCK

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
NW near Greenwater
4 posts since 2008?

First off, I want to start by saying that I know HOHO98925, the originator of this thread, and I am here to tell you that he is the biggest crook around. Dont let him sit here and slander a guy (Shaun Parker) that much of us know does a lot to help many people out. This thread was started by a guy that has stolen from many people and is all around a no good person. I do not like to put names out there, but since he wants to drop Shaun Parkers name, I will drop his. This was posted by Joe Mallory. If you do not know him, ask around about him. As far as rental sleds go, all rental sleds get beat on. If you want to be sure that you are not going to have any problems, buy your own sled and maintain it yourself. I am sure I will get a lot of crap on here for posting this, but I fully stand behind cascade playtime. They have always taken good care of me and everyone I know. As for the rest of you that want to jump on the slander bandwagon, thats pretty sad.

Pretty bold words for a non contributing friend of Cascade Playtime.
You have been registered since 2008 and this is one of 4 posts since 2008?

Your credability say's more about Cascade Playtime than the original post.

Derek, your lack of participation, I probably shouldn't even given your thread credit by quoting it.

Where are the established long time supporting snowmobilers who have had years of solid service? It shouldn't be new members with 3 to 5 posts defending him. I have not had an experince with Cascade but this doesn't help me question the first post.

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Sequim, WA
Kinda fun to read all these posts.
BUT, I find it interesting that someone can have a good experience with Cascade Play time and others say their experienced sucked. Isn't that similiar to say the old Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge debate that happens all the time. The ol Dodges suck, my fuel pump went out at 90k--Dodges rock, I've got 265k with no trouble at all.
Back to the original post--
Thank you for the info, I will keep that in mind when I do business with Cascade Playtime in the future. Previous business transactions have been just fine. Will continue in the future. However, I will make sure a contract is in place and I will call if for help if there is a dead sled and I won't have it back in time.
Dec 21, 2007
Pretty bold words for a non contributing friend of Cascade Playtime.
You have been registered since 2008 and this is one of 4 posts since 2008?

Your credability say's more about Cascade Playtime than the original post.

Derek, your lack of participation, I probably shouldn't even given your thread credit by quoting it.

Where are the established long time supporting snowmobilers who have had years of solid service? It shouldn't be new members with 3 to 5 posts defending him. I have not had an experince with Cascade but this doesn't help me question the first post.


I am not gonna sit on here and go back and forth over who's right and who's wrong. But I will tell you that yes, I have only posted 4 times since 2008. I dont post on snowest, but that does not mean I am not a snowmobiler. The bottom line of my whole point is this all needs to stop. This whole thread should be deleted. So HOHO98925 had a bad experience renting with Cascade playtime. But like said in previous posts, he did a lot of thig wrong too. He should have contacted the rental company and informed them what was going on. Even if he was in the snow park at Stampede, all of us know this is only a couple minutes from I-90, he could have drove out to get cell service. I stand behind Cascade Playtime 100%. There have been many times that I have seen Shawn go out of his way to help several people, including myself. So I feel it is pretty shallow to try to destroy a guys reputation as a business over a bad rental experience, when he made some bad decisions himself. Lets grow up and be classy snowmobilers. Snowmobilers are supposed to help eachother and work together, not sit here on a computer and talk S**t to eachother over how many posts we have put up or what our credibility is. I'm done with this tit for tat S**t, the snow is deep in the mountains right now and I'd rather go get fresh tracks than bickering on Snowest. Have a good weekend riding and be safe!

off road rider

SnoWest Paid Sponsor
Premium Member
Jan 2, 2008
Kent Wa
If Cascade was a bunch of shysters why don't we see many other posts about such a thing, to my knowledge they are about the longest running rental outfit around, surely many thousands of customers..I smell a fish
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I personally can say that I have always been treated very well by shawn and trina, they have a business that many people utilize and this is the first time I've heard a complaint. I have seen shawn go out of his way to help fellow sledders, I have had him suggest to us that the area we were planning to ride was dangerous due to avalanche conditions and told us about other areas that were much safer, also have seen him help others that needed to get their personal sled out of the woods after breaking them. all in all I believe shawn is a good person to have on your side when help is needed, and he cares about the safety of fellow sledders... business is business and I would have made a phone call instead of working on a rental sled, I'm sure they would have come to pick up their dead sleds.
Nov 26, 2007
Western WA
This whole thread does smell fishy. I would bet there is a lot more to the story. Why not call or drive down there if the sleds won't start? I have stopped in there a few times and bought gloves and misc things and have always been treated fairly. I have ridden with some relatives/friends that were on rentals from there and everything went just as it should.
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Nov 30, 2007
easton, WASH
ok here is another incite to this matter, we are not discussing whether shaun has good deals on klim which i am only assuming that everyone on here is paying by cash!!!, if you pay by card regular price minus 20% now onto the rental end i have dealt with shaun an trina personally countless times only on clothing an we bought one sled wrecked, they have always given me a good deal only if i had cash in hand... i personally know the mechanic, we went to school for a total of two years. He then dropped out freshmen year of highschool, shaun then turned around an hired a bunch more of old acquaintences who absolutely knew nothing about snowmobiles but could talk it up, trust me i hung with this kids thinking they were the "cool crowd" i was terribly wrong. so point being i hope shaun can get better mechanics an better service all around!

AND FOR MR.509SUMMIT800 AKA DERREK HALL you dont have a good past either if it wasnt for the military you would be in worst off shape!
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Nov 18, 2012
ok here is another incite to this matter, we are not discussing whether shaun has good deals on klim which i am only assuming that everyone on here is paying by cash!!!, if you pay by card regular price minus 20% now onto the rental end i have dealt with shaun an trina personally countless times only on clothing an we bought one sled wrecked, they have always given me a good deal only if i had cash in hand... i personally know the mechanic, we went to school for a total of two years. He then dropped out freshmen year of highschool, shaun then turned around an hired a bunch more of old acquaintences who absolutely knew nothing about snowmobiles but could talk it up, trust me i hung with this kids thinking they were the "cool crowd" i was terribly wrong. so point being i hope shaun can get better mechanics an better service all around!

AND FOR MR.509SUMMIT800 AKA DERREK HALL you dont have a good past either if it wasnt for the military you would be in worst off shape!

Alright Guys & gals,

So one person had a bad Exp and posted here. No need to start fighting over pity crap. All of you who are fighting need to grow up and remember why we are here and why we enjoy this sport. Not fight with each other over pity crap!
May 6, 2009
Easton Wa.
I don't know who you are but if you don't have any hard facts besides the bar stool drunk gossip mongers of Easton maybe you should get your facts strait. I have known hoho98925 for more than 16 years and know all the truths behind the slander you have put forth in your statement. maybe you should go the the law library to make sure you have not violated the law by statements made in your post.
May 6, 2009
Easton Wa.
cascade sucks

I don't know who MountainRiderm7 is but you may want to get your facts strait before publicly stating someone is a crook. I have known hoho98925 for more than 16 years and also know the truths behind all the lies that the Easton bar stool drunk gossip mongers spread. Obviously you must be one of those idiots!!!! you may also want to go to the law library and check into public slander before you make statements you can not prove and the legal repercussions you could face. See you in court dumb *ss
May 6, 2009
Easton Wa.
cascade sucks

509Summit800 must be another dumb *ss bar stool drunk gossip monger from Easton. Anybody that posts statements slandering someone on a public forum should go to the law library and find out what that may cost in legal fees before making such announcements. I have known hoho98925 and the truths behind all the lies and unfound roomers. see you in court dumb *ss!!!!
By the way, I witnessed what happened in the rental from Cascade and the crumby way hoho98925 was treated. No more purchases from me.
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May 6, 2009
Easton Wa.

I do not know who 509Summit800 is but you should get your facts strait before calling someone a crook. Without any hard facts to back up your statement I would assume you are another Easton bar stool dumb *ss drunk gossip monger. I have know hoho for more than 16 years and also know the truth behind the lies being spread. You should be careful slandering some one in writing in a public forum. The cost in legal fees could add up quick if you know what I mean. I was there and witnessed what happened with the rental sleds and the way Shawn was to fast to charge an extra days rental for those junk sleds, two of which would not start to load up for return. I have heard things (not good) about Cascade Playtime in the past but did not give them any credibility until now after this event. I have spent lots of $ there and now will take my business else where


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Buckley, WA
The only thing I find interesting about all of this is we have not heard Shawn's version. You know he knows about the thread. Maybe he does not want to implicate himself from a legal standpoint? Don't know - but one thing for sure - if all of this was BS and it was me - I would be on here defending myself and business!! Just sayin'.

Then again - maybe he does not want to deal with this internet drama! Like I said, we don't know.


Lifetime Membership
Jan 2, 2008
Kennewick, WA
Cascade Playtime, every time I go there they take my money....and I take my gloves or oil or handlebars or whatever it is they took my money for. Shoot, that place is really nuts, one time they took my money from me in Boise one time for a new Boss seat, and I didnt even get my seat at that time, it took 4 days for me to get the seat, some lady in a jumbo brown van finally dropped it off at my shop, which isnt even in Boise. Sometimes I call Cascade Playtime on the phone, and they take my money, then I have to wait till the next day for the lady in the brown van to drop off my stuff that they took my money for. I really do find the place entertaining!
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Scott Stiegler
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
he said/she said.....

With a thread title like
Cascade Playtime Rentals SUCK
It's going to get some attention and backlash.
With a thread title like that, be ready to take some heat.

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