I read that avy report you linked... Did YOU read it? Doesn't say they didn't have shovels. I do see what ended up being fatal errors, which is usually the case. It was a BIG powder day, certainly avy danger was rated as elevated on the CAIC website which I monitor all winter long and certainly before riding.
I even went back and re-read my post because I have received a couple of likes already. I just do not see what was so dang inflammatory. On big pow days we take more precautions. I never anywhere stated that I take none or ride without a shovel. I just don't see where I offended you so badly.
I just choose not to ride in full regalia on every ride. That crap is heavy and uncomfortable. It simply has proven to be unnecessary. Pretty sure it is my choice and the choice of my riding partners. I was just voicing an opinion...
I do think that if you really ran the numbers it would show that sledder deaths by avy are exceedingly rare. I have no doubt there is a lot of emotionally charged hype behind it. I also have no doubt that good proactive decision making will go much further towards keeping you safe than any amount of reactive safety gear you can carry.
Yes I did read the entire article, right after I posted it

I should have clarified that I was WRONG. Initial reports had said they did not have shovels.
Either way they were in the backcountry under equipped, like you (from what I understand you typically ride with out a shovel and probe attached to YOU).
They had no intentions of going into avalanche terrain of any sort and were in a treed area, throttle stuck and all of the sudden they were in a hell of a mess. Again... it happens, NO ONE ever goes out with plans of dying in a slide, dont be complacent, thats when fatal mistakes happen.
I wanna say (don't quote me) that there are typically 20-40 people killed in North America annually in avalanches, skiers, sledders, hikers, etc.. Sledders are normally about half of that. Yes it is a small percentage, don’t care, its too many.
Please reconsider wearing a pack with a probe and shovel on your body. If your group is riding in the trees, something is triggered and your sled ends up buried in the bottom of a drainage and your buddy is buried you are gonna be seriously regretting not having that shovel on your back. Already said it, but it is not about YOU. I dont like wearing a pack, but I do it for my friends, and I have never had a bad day because of it. Being at a friends funeral knowing you could have done something, but you didnt wear a pack because its heavy or uncomfortable... BAD DAY.
Nothing was inflammatory in your first post but I really just didn’t like the demeanor. You *basically* said that anyone who goes into the back country prepared is overthinking it, if you are wearing and avy pack you are scared, and if you die in a slide it was natural selection.
You were right in some of what you said... if someone is buried a mistake was made (not sure natural selection is the PC term) and you are also right that the best tool you have is your head... Use your head and be prepared for that mistake.
No hard feelings, I just get upset when people act like being underprepared is gonna be their problem when the chit hits the fan... again, ITS NOT ABOUT YOU.
Needs to start snowing... too much time on hands... going insane ugh