tragic story but lots of contradictions. How did they know the danger was rated high and observed several fresh avalanches but didnt recognize they were in an avalanche zone, thinking they were in a safe zone.
Regardless, thats horrible but glad there was survivors. It just sucks ur literally gonna wear a vest and shovel/probe for someone else.
I was involved with this incident as part of my job. They knew the avy danger was high that day. They picked that particular area because they believed it was it out of avy danger. They were stopped at the very edge of the run out zone. Had they been parked 15 yards closer to the hill, it probably would have been four fatalities. Ten yards further away from the hill then there would have been no burials. The avy debris was fairly soft at the burial areas. We were actually post holing a little. Just yards away towards the hill, the snow was the typical rock hard avy debris. The survivor who was buried 105 minutes had decent air pockets because snow was not set up. She is now a big proponent for avy education and speaks about this experience at classes and outreaches.