funny how ron paul seems to be the best fit for our situation, yet, when corporate media talks about candidates standings in the race, they RARELY mention ron paul. almost as if he's being completely censored. when bill orielly interviewed him, ron paul was making some major points in a common sense sort of way, and all of a sudden bill starts interupting every word ron says. he'll ask him a question, and when he starts to give an answer bill doesnt like, bill starts interupting, raising his voice, and cutting him off.
the only reason we're in the position we're in right now, is because of corporate giants. insurance, cops writing tickets for any reason they can just to collect revenue, taxes, HUGE price mark-up on necessities (mainly oil, and other energy sources), they're all ways to funnel money back to the federal reserves. then obama comes on air, gives a speach to the american people with a frown on his face as he addresses his speach. telling US its time to step up to the plate and stop screwin around. like its OUR fault. i want to kick him in his teeth. he's a puppet. a salesman. he works for wallstreet, just as any president does. the last TRUE president we had was kennedy, as he spoke of injustices happening in the government, and how the abuse of power is very real. then he was randomly assasinated. corporate media mentions every other candidate, yet, the only candidate mentioning any of the injustices, the establishment, and the stuff that actually matters right now, is ron paul and they're censoring the crap out of him.