well did a little research today on the linq bag. like the way it attaches, the quick on/off is a definate plus. like the semi ridgid bag, seems like it would work a little better when not totally full. the way it mounts also seemed like a good idea. looks like this setup makes the bottom of the bag even with the top of the cooler. so went ahead and ordered me one! bought the medium one, couldn't find anywhere that stated exactly what the size is so i hope its big enough. couldn't find a listing for a large one so i guess its as big as they get for now. almost bought the linq gas can too, but if i'm getting as good of mileage as they say my one tank should be equal to my buddies with them adding the extra.
now i'm in need of a riser bag. was checking out the new doo large one but man $100??? don't mean to sound cheap, although i am
, but isn't that just a little too steep for a bar bag? heck i only paid $118 for the tunnel bag. so any suggestions on a good sized one that might be a little more down to earth priced?
was gonna call the sled shed today but left the number here next to my keyboard, will contact them tommorow. sure like the idea of the can and cooker all in one.
now i'm in need of a riser bag. was checking out the new doo large one but man $100??? don't mean to sound cheap, although i am
was gonna call the sled shed today but left the number here next to my keyboard, will contact them tommorow. sure like the idea of the can and cooker all in one.
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