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Building Industry Insanity

12 pages double row not counting front or back and this season is just starting. IMG_20220310_144112567~2.jpgThis use to make head lines , it is happening all threw out this nation but you have to go find it because it won't be offered but it is ignored.
This currency failed once than twice but now they found a way to push it threw by printing money till the bubble explodes . Do you not see what the people have so resisted now are accepting with open arms? In this day how long do you think it will take with those in power to just flip a switch ?

He's talking about crypto and bit one failed so they move to the other more profitable so what will be next ? rip off ?

Ever hear of One World Order
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Just to give you an idea of what Trump had allowed to be permitted that diaper boy shut down .

Top right , 19.6 million acres


This is the hurdles they go threw to protect the environment that you will never see the fake media show.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is one of Alaska's crown jewels in the Arctic region and encompasses 19.6 million acres in remote northeastern Alaska. The refuge straddles the eastern Brooks Range from the treeless Arctic Coast to the taiga of the Porcupine River Valley.
I posted this last week , still BS happening on the north slope, something other than what is claimed is happening or happened . Do you really think a village 8 miles away has something to be worried about besides the dividends they get that of course is not talked about and their corporations that are heavily invested in to recieved the profits.
Employees are not even allowed to socialize with the native culture .

Got a smart ass comment for above post , it's because we don't own any ****ing tankers . It's all a game to these elites just like this BS below.
There's a comment I made about Young and the corrupt bastards club . Well this reminds me of his buddies over at Veco , they we're bragging about this massive oil reserve they found over in Russia . After the rig starts producing guess what happens ?
Some of the so called big wigs fly over there to strut thier **** but when they get there it just so happens that they are met by so people with guns . Time to leave boys , never heard the media say **** . The so called big wigs are just like the politicians , puppets.
I questioned an employee on this when this came up in a conversation and my question was when they where ramping up was are you guys nuts ? He looked at me like I was some kind of dumb ass. After they were sent back over with thier tails between thier legs nothing was ever brought up . Do you think Russia has all the amenities to do everything themselves in this day and age ?

Ever notice European racing is sponsored by big oil , I'm not talking about this BS arena cross cattle racing I'm babbling about multi million dollar car racing, as in singular . It's one big game of controlling the slaves , it's just time to clean a little house and move forward. History is becoming a little to easy to document and find the truth so they need a reset .

This is racing , I use to enjoy it when the other Schumacher raced kind of like GP racing only the best go to Europe and they still get thier asses kicked.

Mick Schumacher and Nikita Mazepin will make their F1 debuts this season in this new-look Haas car. The American team have ditched white, red and grey livery of previous seasons for a new white, blue and red design, matching the colours of Russia's flag. The new colours coincide with the announcement of a new multi-year title sponsorship deal with Russian firm Uralkali, which is part-owned by Mazepin's father, Dmitry.

Haas, stating 2021 would be a "transitional season" as they look towards the huge 2022 rules overhaul, have opted not to spend any of their tokens over the winter, only changing the car as required by the new regulations.

The kid got a little banged up last month, how many million was that ?
Formula One has also further cut its team spending cap to $140 million, which is down from $175 million in 2020, to help level the playing field for smaller teams like Haas as they go up against outfits will relatively unlimited resources like Ferrari, Mercedes-AMG and Red Bull, which used to spend upwards of $400 million annually.
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