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Boy I sure can't wait for Obama to be elected president....

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Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Another way to think of it is that they are paying the poor so say they can stay rich. Paying them so that they will be happy with there own little lives and content with there meager wealth so the competition to become rich is much much less, and therefore the rich can stay rich.

The rich have much much more to loose if a society should collapse than poor people do, with standards of living being grossly different between the groups.

I like to think of it as paying the MOB to not tear down your society. But, in essence you are correct. I don't think the rich have the most to gain from keeping the masses poor. If everyone worked hard, and played fair, we would all be richer materially. The rich live in weird sort of hell of their own creating. So, it all balances out.


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Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
I'm not voting for that retard.


And if you are retarded enough to believe that is a real photo, well... LOL
(look at where that cord goes into the phone)

Here is what a real photo looks like:
Jul 23, 2008
Yeah, He is a F***ING retard. so are all of our other presidential candidates.
I'm at a loss... I'm not sure who to vote for.

Vote for the people that will KEEP OUR PUBLIC LAND OPEN FOR POWERSPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Most Republicans-including MCcain, very few Democrats)


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Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
Vote for the people that will KEEP OUR PUBLIC LAND OPEN FOR POWERSPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Most Republicans-including MCcain, very few Democrats)

McCain isn't exaclt 100% on our side. Do a little research.

Also, there are a few more important issues at hand than snowmobilling. Don't get me wrong, I love my sledding as much as the next guy, but unless fuel prices come under control and the economy turns around I won't be able to sled anyway.


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Aug 14, 2002
McCain isn't exaclt 100% on our side. Do a little research.

Also, there are a few more important issues at hand than snowmobilling. Don't get me wrong, I love my sledding as much as the next guy, but unless fuel prices come under control and the economy turns around I won't be able to sled anyway.

Good point, especially since congress has much more say in land usage than the president anyways. It is something that many people forget and don't think about. Kind of interesting people think the president has that much power. Are we forgetting that this is a democracy and not a dictatorship? I think many people are.......

BTW, didn't Bush sign the latest wilderness bill? By the time a bill passes and goes to the president for signing, there are few issues that will make him use his veto power. Snowmobiling is not and will never be one of those. Talk about special interest, not to mention the whole, you scratch my back I scratch your back, game in politics anyways. But whatever, just insert head into sand and we can blame the president for all our troubles leaving congress to continue business as usual.
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