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Boy I sure can't wait for Obama to be elected president....

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Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
I'm thinking that just about any country with rockets could do this, not just Iran.

Very true but the ones that have them now for the most part have too much at stake to actually hit the button. Iran does not. N. Korea is another one that scares me, that dude is completely off his rocker.


Mar 16, 2004
Well humm, I was going to really put the slam on that Nuclear Bomb Detonated over the USA story. All my numbers were based off of a surface blast. Never looked up the data on a high altitude blast. Very interesting. At least our ability to retaliate will be intact.

Although, I don't believe the doomsday result of such an explosion, a large percentage of the US would go quite. Better it happens sooner than later, a small bomb on one coast at low altitude wouldn't shut us down, but a big one way over the middle of the country would put the hurt on us.

I'm thinking that just about any country with rockets could do this, not just Iran.

It would burn out the electonics in EVERYTHING.
It would take a year to recover from something like that. We would be able to turn IRan into a nuclear waste land for a 1000 years, but the damage would be done.

The type of attack they are talking about could be carried out from a frieghter with zero problem. That is the real threat, not land based balistic attack, but a tanker parked 100 miles off shore could hit ANYPLACE in the country. You launch 3 or 4 electromagnetic high altitude bursts and it would cripple this country and a good part of canada and mexico.
Nov 27, 2007

there ain't no big attack coming so keep voting for those that want you to think there is, and while you're chasing this diversion they will continue to loot the country

flying pig

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
Wembley Alberta Canada
there ain't no big attack coming so keep voting for those that want you to think there is, and while you're chasing this diversion they will continue to loot the country

totally agreed guys. Who was the first country to have and use the bomb anyway? Maybe if they did hit the US it would give them an excuse to bomb them off the face of the earth, so then they could piss off every other country that ur walking the line with. Remember it was the Bush's who went over there in the first place...blame them for the whole mess, economy and all.
Nov 27, 2007
totally agreed guys. Who was the first country to have and use the bomb anyway? Um, I guess you think another 100,000+ casualty's in a Japan invasion was the better option? Maybe if they did hit the US it would give them an excuse to bomb them off the face of the earth, so then they could piss off every other country that ur walking the line with. Remember it was the Bush's who went over there in the first place...blame them for the whole mess, economy and all.

And where would we be fighting if we had not gone to war "OVER THERE"? OVER HERE! The fight with radical Islam is on, and has been since the 90's. Thank god we now have a leader that acknowlages this...(for know) Keep voting for the people that have their heads in the sand and this perceived "mess" will look like the good ol days. As for me, I'm glad we have a sh!tload of troops on Irans doorstep.

flying pig

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
Wembley Alberta Canada
as for me I'm Canadian so I guess I'll just have to sit back and watch eh? I agree that it was the only real choice they had to end wwII. I do agree with the principle behind the first gulf war but the outcome has become less than desireable hasn't it? They've been fighting over there for 2000 years and now it has started to affect our generation and our future ones as well. Shoulda just let them kill each other. People seem to like doing that, and it seems like its happened once or twice through history.
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Nov 27, 2007
Don't sit back and watch. Aren't there any conservatives running for office in Canada? What do you mean by "start to affect our generation"? Our generation, and future generations will have to deal with radical Islam, and it didn't start because we liberated Iraq, It goes way back, and its on, AGAIN. America is not the villain here, regardless of what the media tells you. WE ARE NOT THE ONES TRYING TO BEHEAD YOU. :beer;:D

flying pig

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
Wembley Alberta Canada
Were they trying to behead north americans before iraq? Maybe they were, but they sure are trying harder now, because little Ishmael saw his whole family get blowed up. We can say they don't like us, but thats like kicking someone in the nuts and expecting them to buy you a beer. Do we really like them? I'm sure there are lots of them over there who don't hate all of us. Just like we have radical tree huggers who see a sled and vision satan riding it. Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person? If everyone just left everyone else alone none of this stuff would happen, as soon as someone tries to control someone else people get upset, and in radical cases they die. Thats what is going on here!
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Nov 27, 2007
Were they trying to behead north americans before iraq? Um, 9/11 wasn't that long ago, but I guess you forgot alreadyMaybe they were, but they sure are trying harder now, because little Ishmael saw his whole family get blowed up. If Ishmaels' family "got blowed up", they were shooting at us. We can say they don't like us, but thats like kicking someone in the nuts and expecting them to buy you a beer. Who kicked who in the nuts?Do we really like them? Um, do you like radical Islam?I'm sure there are lots of them over there who don't hate all of us. Nope, I'm pretty shure all radical muslims hate us. Just like we have radical tree huggers who see a sled and vision satan riding it. Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person? Yes. why?If everyone just left everyone else alone none of this stuff would happen, We tried that for decades. Didnt work out so well. as soon as someone tries to control someone else people get upset, and in radical cases they die. Thats what is going on here!

No, whats going on here is that RADICAL Islam (not all Muslims) want to either convert you or kill you. You decide.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
You absolutely sure that all people "over there" are radical Muslims? Not even one person just minding his own business trying to provide for his family?

TS Drag Racer

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Wa. st
Give me a break......... Irans leaders are stupid, but they're not that stupid. We have subs that could and would knock there little po-dunk country of the face of the earth within three minutes, before the scud they launched at us even hit the ground. Obama may be very liberal, but there are plenty of old school Dems in the house and senate that wouldn't let that kind of sh!t fly. So worst case, we loose a couple thousand people, they loose their whole country. You honestly think Awkmastupidjad doesn't realize that? Obama will be like Bush, just a puppet if elected. The big shots that run this country behind closed doors, will never let a pretender nation like Iran effect their pocket books. All Iran has to do is hit the rewind button and see where Saddam and his kids are right now and that was with no nuke's involved. Dem or republican president aren't the one's pulling the strings of this country. In a true crisis the House & senate would pull together to make the right call period. To many people get caught up in all the bullsh!t. Iran will rock the boat as much as they can to stirr the pot, but trust me they know where the line in the sand is drawn. The country you should be worried about is CHINA! Things ever get ugly with them, that's when you better think about building your bomb shelter.................:face-icon-small-win
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