Well-known member
hey Veedy, do those guys get any parts or even pay to be in your movies?
4000 km on my Apex at 18lbs.
stock engine, no engine issues to date.
Hmm. that's a good idea ! do you want to pay me to be in my movies ? that way I might be able to at least break even in my costs !!!
I need sponshurs ( lol ) bad. The sponsors who are mentioned in my films are not actual paying sponsors ( in other words, no one has yet cut me a check ), camera equipment has run me in the tens of thousands, my editing station is worth a small fortune ( can you say second mortgage ?? ) and all the fuel , parts and my sled is out of pocket.
If I had some sponsors on board who could equip the guys with stuff such as clothing and gear, maybe some mod parts to advertise, that would make me and everyone happy. So far no one has stepped up, and I don't have the time to go begging. I just enjoy filming and riding with the boys, thats what I like best.
I spend all season riding and filming, then all spring and summer editing and producing, and then replication costs are also out of pocket, plus these movies don't just ship themselves.... there is a TON of work behind the scenes, I know most people appreciate it, and I get a kick out of people's reactions to the show. That's my rush.
Sorry, no paycheck here, and certainly no-one getting rich, but a whole bunch of guys having fun, that's the main thing.