I have used about every oil under the sun and on multiple sleds. Here are my opinions
Klotz is by far the worst oil ever. It smells great but leaves your valves and pistons full of carbon deposits.
Polaris VES Gold is a great oil, but lets be honest, its way too expensive.
Ski doo fully synthetic falls in line with polaris VES gold...
Phillips 66 sells a synjex oil that i really liked. It was super cheap and with 1 oz of ER (energy release) added to a quart of oil, i had super clean valves. More smoke from this oil though
Torco full synthetic was a great oil and i would go back to it if i had to.
76 makes polaris blue oil and you can buy it alot cheaper in bulk from your local 76 gas station. Did leave carbon residue on the valves though.
Red line has something in it that makes me dizzy and want to throw up.
Amsoil - ran the dominator on my bike, liked it, however i have seen more sleds burn down running amsoil than anything else.
Blue marble - valves are super clean, low smoke, and no smell. Been with it the last 2 seasons and probably will never go back to anything else
use whatever you want, this is just my experience with the oils i have used.
Oh and for those that really want to know, yes i run blue marble oil on my turbo 2 stroke... valves and pistons look great after 460 miles...