If you are so sure about that,why don't you trade your '08 D8 for a stock gen 2 RMK? A VE tunnel without the gas rack is as light or lighter than the stock tunnel on an IQR.
By the way the one,the one that Winter built for me is 418 lbs.
Do it right or don't do it at all!!!!
maybe you didn't notice i already have a stock (mostly) gen 2 rmk? I'm sure your ve tunnel is nice, maybe you also didn't notice I was responding to your statement that you can't get a taper with an extension.
Why would you even suggest trading a dragon for a gen 2 anyway? did i say the gen 2 was a great sled? No. I just said the taper comes from the extension, not the tunnel design to prove the point that yes you actually can get a taper in an extension. it might not be the way you would do it, but it is an option, and a lot cheaper one than replacing the whole tunnel. Sheesh, you just can't say anything on here without someone getting their panties in a knot can you?