Hi Everyone,
Betty Jo and Jason here. It is true that the Passage has gone through many changes over the years and if I had a month to tell the story I still couldnt get through it all but basically here is the condenced version of where we stand today.
We have SnowShoe lodge and it is fully staffed right now and ready to roll just waiting on some much needed snow, therefore when we get some come and see us. We will have fresh baked goods, harty food and cold beer waiting for everyone. (also premium fuel)
We have also been brought on board to manage the Passage. This is the most difficult undertaking we have ever encountered. As avid snowmobilers ourselves we know what the priorities are and will do our best to provide them to you. Fresh premium gas, good food, friendly service and cold beer are for starters. We brought a team of workers in from North Dakota (basically friends and family from back home) and we are all anxious to give you our best. I am not going to promise the moon because that isnt possible this year, but a good clean friendly staff eager to help is here. As for rooms, we have a 48 room hotel with a indoor pool ready to go, about 6 of the small cabins are ready for business and one large frontier cabin is available. We have a new bar manager from Alaska coming on board today so come on in and say Hi to Pam and make her feel welcome.
If you have any questions just give us a call.......thanks for give us a shot!
Betty Jo and Jason Krenz