I have a home in Montrose just south of Grand Junction. This too is a very nice place to live. Most of the big city stuff in addition to what the first poster mentioned and not nearly the traffic.
No one mentioned the girls. What is wrong with you guys. Lots of sheep up near Cimarron but you need to wear button up levi's and not the zipper kind.
After re-reading a couple postings let me tell you about Gunnison. I also have a home up North and East of Gunnison near Pitkin, Colorado. It is beyond beautiful up there in the late spring, Summer and Fall. The winters are absolutely uninhabitable for any sane person. I love the sledding up there and use my place there for a sledding base camp but to live up there full time and have to work etc. it would really suck the big one. The most exciting store in Gunnison is Walmart. What does that tell you.