my vote is for the pulse or the new peips. have been using the pulse, so simple to use with multi. people lost. have tried the peips also i like it just use to the pulse, i like the multiple person burial ablity, they all work on multiple but i think theis two are best at it. i would only buy a three antena unit. the new tracker is coming out. have you read through beacon reviews. i dont thing you can go wrong on buying a top of the line beacon for its abilitys. buy two one for him and one for you and use the old one to practise with, makes a good victim, you could attent a beacon class if there is one around you that would give you a chance to work with all and help you make your dission, what the easyes for you to use. key thing is practise using what you have. best beacons in the world dont work as good if the person is not very familair with them
safe riding