That was the north side wasn't it? If not, where were you?
I know big house has slid bad, I assume pocket lake and the area around there has slid as well. Probably the big climb from the horse corral too.
There are also a ton of terrain traps that can make small slides very dangerous as well.
Anyone have any history about big slides that have occured in the past? I note that this is a touch subject, ie past performance does not determine future results. Meaning that just because something hasn't slid in the past, doesn't mean it won't slide in the future.
Ya, northside, "but still Baker, and still an avy" my point is to be careful wherever you go in high avy forecast. Ruffy,I can see your point about lots of places to play at Baker, so after much thought you have opened my eyes, before I was blind but now I see, Baker is a great place to ride in high avy conditions. Thanks for the info. Peace.