Was there really any doubt he was going to be shot dead, NOT! How come vigilant justice only works when cops are weilding it?
It is interesting the guy walk into the coffee shop and shot four cops but didn't shoot any civilians. I thought he was a crazed murder? Why did he discriminate? Obviously he was gunning for cops. Why? We will never know.
The violence and possible retaliation of being a cop come with the job. If you're wearing your uniform you should sit with your back to the wall facing the door.
Everybody is certainly entitled to their opinion, and I mean no disrespect...mine is just another opinion, but maybe from a different perspective.
I'm a firefighter first and foremost. I'm also a tactical medic and a SWAT operator for an SRT team. I have the best job in the world...get to help people when their world is in chaos, and 99% of the time I get to be the "good guy". And the other 1% of the time? I get to go whoop *** with the elite. Damn good job.
But, I can tell you this. I have lost friends. I have lost co-workers, and family. I could NOT be a cop full time. I simply DO NOT HAVE THE PATIENCE that is required...I'd get fired the first week for beating the SHAT out of some douche-bag who just beat up his wife, raped some little girl, ....whatever. I'd want instant justice. I feel most of the time, cowardly punk A$$es like these guys need an old fashion a$$ whoopin they won't recover from. I couldn't do it. I respect my friends, and all those who do that job -- because you know what? For the most part, they're pretty damn good at it, and nobody else could or wants to put up with all the shat they have to deal with on a daily basis.
justice only taken on those that shoot cops? you know what a catch-22 that is for those guys?...sure they want to center punch that coward in the forehead with a lead injection -- who wouldn't?...I know I sure did...but they also have a job to do...and they also realize that EVERYBODY is going to be scrutinizing them, and assuming they're going to act out of pure emotion and shot this guy regardless of what he does...if anything, i think that makes them err on the side of NOT using that force unless it's really necessary...i can say that, because that's what the guys i know feel...that being said...I'm just thankful that seattle cop saw out of the corner of his eye that a$$, and clemens was stupid enough to get shot again...this time for good. and selfishly...there's justice for me, and it saves tons of money going through a trial for that clown. good riddance...i know i shouldn't feel that way, but it is for the time being.
And I WHOLE HEARTEDLY disagree with the premise that retaliation comes with being a cop, and you should just have your back to the wall at all times...that's not how they should operate. that's not how I want the cops who protect my family, friends, home or neighbors to have to act. i want them focused on doing THEIR JOB, not constantly waiting for the next cowardly psycho to run up and pop a round in the back of their head like a pu$$y...some people may not like cops...most don't until YOU NEED THEM...then they sure can't get there fast enough can they? Funny how that works.
Sgt. Renniger was actually one of the training officers I had when i went through SWAT basic training. the loss of that PD family, and the loss those families of those officers are dealing with is truly almost insurmountable. my heart breaks for all of them...we're covering providing police and fire protection for their districts -- so their own officers and firefighters can go pay respects to their fallen brethren.
May God grant peace and healing to those families and that community.
Just my $.02.