Why can't we all get along?
I would like to say in the defense of Scott,
That in fact the persons who came to the parking lot were indeed upset, and myself, and another SAR member told the young gentlemen that if they were that upset, they needed to talk to a Sheriffs Deputy, however there were no Deputies available at base, they were all up on the Avalanche site. Scott along with all of us that were up there were up there because we are trained in searching, and coordinating searches. We understand the publics need to help and we appreciate all the help we can get, however, there is a lot to be said for numerous hours of trainings, and actual searches related to Avalanches! We also appreciate all of the other SAR agencies coming together to our AID! Our prayers and thoughts go out to those who lost loved ones, and especially to their children. An Avalanche rescue site is no place for Egos and defiantly no place for anyone who thinks that one man can run the show, just remember that the one man has 15 or more behind him backing his decisions and has full trust that the right thing will be done. For those of you out there who think you can do it better, we welcome your enthusiasm, and ask you to join! Once again, thanks to all of you who helped and put sweat and TEARS into this search, I would be proud to work with anyone of you again anytime!!!!!
A PROUD North Valley Search and Rescue Member