I went up to Canyon Creek today to help with the search because last night while I was up there the sheriff told my friend and I that they would need as much help as possible in the morning to search for the remaining people. So we showed up at 8 am and around 9 am we snowmobiled all the way up to the avalanche site and was prepared to help in the search. After waiting around for about two and a half hours for them to blast the rest of the possible avalanche sites we were told to leave. SCOTT CHEFF came by us and asked us what search team were we part of. I told him we were not part of any and we were just volunteers helping out. But he told us we couldn’t stay. I know if I was stuck in an avalanche I would want as many people looking for me as possible. Once we got down to the parking lot the people there checking people in and out asked us why we came back. We told them that Scott Cheff told us we weren’t allowed to be up there. They told us Scott had NO authority up there and he was just another searcher. I am VERY disappointed with Scott Cheff thinking he was in charge and sending volunteers away.