Smith Fork Avalanche 2/11/13
My wife is typing this for me... I was in an avalanche in Smith Fork area on Monday 2/11/13. I was with three of my friends. We had already discussed being super careful that morning, went over how to use our beacons, and even avoided multiple hills that we thought to be unsafe. I don't know exactly where we were in Smith Fork (it was about 1 hr 15 min ride from the parking lot). All four of us dropped down this particular hill. Stopped and ate lunch (Pic #1 prior to avalanche) and then we each took turns riding the hill. On my second time up (5th time on hill for group) I high marked and felt it crack. I turned down and tried to out run it and would probably have been successful except for two 6ft waves of snow launched me and my sled into a tree. I bailed right before sled went into tree and in the air I something (wither tree or sled) destroyed my right shoulder. My friends later told me they thought I would be dead just based on the sound and sight of the impact to the tree. I landed and was over taken by avalanche and buried and carried about 150 yds down further.
Thankfully, somehow my face ended near surface and I was able to punch to surface for air with my left hand. Friends said I was carried/buried for about 1min30sec before they found me. They were using beacons but saw my single hand waving in the snow. It took them about 3 min to dig me out. My body was arched backwards and my feet were 5ft below surface.
Avalanche broke down to base layer (about 8 to 10 ft) and was about 1/4 mile wide clear around mountain side.
One of my friends stayed with me while two rode out to get help. THANK YOU TO WYOMING SEARCH AND RESCUE! They did an awesome job keeping my spirits up and treating me. The avalanche occurred around noon and search rescue finally got to me about 4pm and life flight (Air Idaho) was called and arrived about 4:50pm.
My right shoulder was dislocated and set at the ER in Idaho Falls. Since then I have been brought home to Ogden UT and been seeing specialists for my arm. Still trying to determine extent of damage, but we do know that the ball of shoulder is shattered, right rotator cuff will need to have surgery, and they are worried about the socket being fractured as well. Possible right peck detachment and left lung puncture. I go back to the Dr on Monday to set plans for surgery etc. They told me I will be sleeping in a recliner for 6 to 8 months.
The sled was recovered the next day by two of my friends and had damage to the left side but looks like it will be fixable.
This was truly a life changing event. I have been in accidents before but nothing compares to being caught in an avalanche. I almost died I know it, and somehow I am lucky enough to tell the story and preach the importance of avalanche safety! BE careful and BE PREPARED!
Thank you to my friends Greg P, Jason C, and Pete D! I owe you my life!
![Avalanche 6 Life Flight.jpg Avalanche 6 Life Flight.jpg](