WMC.....Geez, start calling me some names or I might start liking you guys...naah (joke).
Pretty much says it all right there, just looking for ammo from us to better his case when he presents his proposal. I'm sure with that kind of attitude we'd be more than willing to give up OUR LAND only to have you sit on your side of the fence that you've created and taunt usAs stated with the 'fishing senario' you don't take away from others to fulfill your needs or wants, you adapt. Maybe deal with the cards you've been dealt, adapt or move on thats what I did after I skied for thirty years, it didn't fulfill my needs anymore I couldn't enjoy enough of the backcountry so I adapted. Now I have a whole new appreciation for whats out there so understand why we won't just give it up because somebody would like to have it to themselves.
OK, the unfunny joke is removed with apologies. WMC will perhaps drone on and not try any humor. All good. You all are actually being amazingly kind and patient toward this controversial topic- that is what I meant but I was trying not to be mushy.
If discussion is desired, please read some of the above WMC posts and comment/ discuss them. Thank you.
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