I used to always follow too. Pushed me (not always in a good way), but also if I messed up, he wasn't seeing it.
This is soo me. I ALWAYS like to be in the back of the pack. (when I'm with the boys anyway) I can screw around, fall off, tip over WHATEVER and get back up before anyone notices, but I know it isn't healthy!! I know I am a pretty good rider, and there is no reason for me to hide in the back!! Hubby is always slowing down or pulling off to the side trying to get me to lead, but...... so SILLY I wont. That's it. I am going to mention this to DH and we are going to do it!!
powderpilot your comment about the weakest rider leading hit home. My first trip to the mountains was HELL. I went with hubby and his brother and 7 other guys and they pushed me WAAAAY out of my comfort zone. It was my first ride on a new machine and my first trip to the "hills"(they have been mountain riding for 15 years already) When we found powder I just sat there shaking cause I was freaked about what we had to climb to get to it. Couldn't shake it for the rest of the day. DH noticed I was freaked and we left the group for a bit to play on our own, but my nerves were shot by then
Sometime I hate being a chick!!! That night I listened to my brother in law talk about where we were headed the next day, all black diamond runs that hadn't been touched yet that year, something about having to climb a frozen waterfall do drop into the area, and I was a ****ing basket case the whole next day!! Thank god my DH talked some sense into them and we went to an area he knew I could handle, but I just latched onto another newbie and sat watching all day. My man is not a dick. He realised what was happening, but it was too late. Our next trip was much better. He and I spent lots of time on our own where he could help me get some confidence sidehilling and climbing some "bunny hills" but obviously it's still a raw nerve cause I remember it VERY clearly, and I haven't gone riding with my brother in law since. bla bla bla
To answer the first post...love riding with the girls. I have been trying to get more of my chick friends interested in riding and so far 3 have bought sleds and are trying it out. We went to a cool Poker Rally in Whitecourt, Alberta last year and had a blast. So far I have tried to stick mostly to the ditches along the highway, cutlines and open fields (even tried along the river banks for a challenge) with them and we spend a lot of time digging out and had to change a belt last year but no one felt pressured or nervous and we have a blast laughing at eachother.
Love this thread, thanks for listening to me vent