one thing i learned about business is that it takes money to make money! and for people that are thinking of investing..i recommend to do the research first..especially if theres big $$ involved!
i myself have been investing with a financial group that i believe they are second to none!
with one of my investments,,,i have now reduced my mortgage from 24years to me thats incredible! and not only reduced my mortgage payments from 1100 a month to 750 a me this is awesome! so when my home is payed off in 11 years..i have saved around $150,000!! thats home is now actually making me money! and when my home is paid off..i'm going to do it again...because it will generate more income for me! also this investment had no out-of-pocket expenses!
my other investment..same financial group,but different company(the fianacial group is diversified) is a lump-sump term investment of 2 to 3 years...where my investment is going to be around double! i actually went out and cashed all my rrsp.s to do this investment!people thought i was nuts because of all the taxes i'm going to get hit with to do this! but i didnt care because the future i have with investing in this company is going to make me way more money then rsp's ever will! not only that..the money is in my control..not the governments! after hearing people whining when they start pulling their rsp's out like..the taxes they have to pay..the limited amount they can only pull out at a time..its like the government has them by the balls! i am actually glad i heard of these things because i woke me up to do something about it! and as a matter of a fact.. i will never endorse rsp' investments ever again,...and not because they are bad is because i have found greener grass!
now my rsp's that i cashed was in the amount of just under $30, the taxes i have to pay on wasnt too much for me! but some co-workers at my last job had in a lot in rsp's..ranging up to almost 200,000! i couldnt imagine the taxes they would have to pay pulling those! but personally knowing what i know..i would do it anyway because i know the potential of these investments that i'm doing with this group! and another bonus that comes with this is that now i dont have to contribute any more money to rsp's! that alone saves me the $200 a month that i had to put away!
the man behind this group is an incredible man! i met him in one of the seminars! the investments he does makes him 1/4 millon a month..not that he bragged about it..its because people ask him of his investing! he gets calls from many companys every month to invest in..and turns most of them down and selects very few to deal with! i recently found out he really looks after his investor's! i know this because my brother is now a part time rep for this group because he see's the potential growth with this company!
i'm not a salesman guys..i work doing construction rennovations stuff..and ready to go on another venture!!
i thought i would share my investment stuff that i'm doing because its really helping me out financially!
now i'm still looking for emails for this other little venture i'm doing